
  • Caffeine being marketed for increased fat loss. Beware the hype!

    Caffeine is one of the most used supplements out there. Partially due to how abundantly available it is. You have coffee, sodas, energy drinks, tea and many other items are infusing it as well. From a marketing perspective, it is sometimes presented as a fat burner. With many wanting to improve their body comp, this is a very attractive thing for many people. Due to that attraction, naturally marketing companies have jumped on it. Many supplements and other items claim that as a benefit of their product due to the addition of caffeine. These claims are likely a little bit skewed and blown out of proportion.

    Caffeine impact on fat

    Caffeine is one of the most widely studied supplements/ingredients out there. Amongst these studies there are a lot that analyzed its impact on fat utilization and in short, there isn’t much. While there is a slight increase in the body pulling fat for energy after caffeine, it’s not in a large amount. Certainly, nowhere near as much as the claims may try to make you believe.

    Caffeine marketing claims tout increased fat loss benefits. These claims are a little over stated and you should be cautious.

    Situations where the increase in fat utilization were most present were when at rest/lower intensity activities and in less trained individuals. For athletes and those who have been exercising for a long time, don’t look to caffeine for a magic pill. Again, there may be a small benefit but it will be incredibly minimal. The real benefit would be in its impact on performance. A benefit which doesn’t come from the increased fat usage to preserve glycogen stores.

    Caffeine impact on performance

    Where caffeine really shines is the benefit it can have on performance when used properly. This benefit is caffeine’s ability to decrease the feeling of fatigue during physical activity. There are certain receptors on the brain called adenosine receptors. These receptors typically receive messages from the body to slow down and hit the brakes through a compound in the body called adenosine.

    If adenosine cannot get to those receptors, the message to slow down doesn’t get to the brain. Just like if you are on the phone with someone and another person tries to call, they cannot get through. Without a stop sign being put up, the body is able to push itself harder and perform more/better.

    When used appropriately for this manner, caffeine can be beneficial. I recommend though using natural sources of caffeine and limiting things like energy drinks and pre-workout supplements. Coffee is my go-to but make sure it sits well for you and try it out during a practice first.

    Warnings of fat loss claims

    As we discussed, caffeine has a lot of benefits but fat loss isn’t one of them. Many supplements out their try to make this claim and if you see it that should be a red flag. They are targeting to an audience looking for a quick fix to achieve a goal many desire. These are the most common types of supplements which end up containing banned ingredients. For an athlete, at best this can mean disqualification from some competition. At worst, could result in serious health consequences.

    Appropriate strategies for fat loss

    Like most things in life, there isn’t a magic trick to achieve those results. It takes effort, consistency and everyone’s favorite P-word….patience. It all begins with making sure your portion sizes of meals/snacks are appropriate. They should contain a good protein source at each meal and snack and getting good sleep are all major factors. Throw in some exercise and you’ve got a recipe for success right there. It’s nothing crazy and it’s not supposed to be! Getting into a routine to maintain consistency is the real challenge but is very doable. Just don’t expect caffeine or any other stimulant to be a short-cut.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Hydration with water is great but not always best

    Hydration plays a huge role in every aspect of our lives from performance to general wellbeing. Performance wise the results can be a bit more noticeable and apparent with more immediate feedback. Knowing hydration is important is one thing but practicing proper hydration is another. Grabbing another glass of water is usually the most common action taken but may not always be the best.

    Water’s hydration benefits

    Water is very important and can certainly help with hydration but it isn't always best. Sometimes a little extra is needed.

    Don’t misunderstand, water is still great and should always be on hand! Drinking water throughout the day is a lot more effective at maintaining hydration than trying to chug a whole day’s worth in one hour. Properly drinking water will help you stay energized, aid digestion, improve concentration and help avoid nagging headaches. Spreading it out throughout the day also helps to properly absorb it to ensure it’s being utilized and not just peed out. Situations where quick rehydration is needed or when already dehydrated, other options are likely better.

    Upgrade your hydration from just water

    A couple little tweaks/additions to your water could really help improve hydration effects of your drink. Drinking the proper amount of fluid is the first step, but to get that water from your gut into your body/blood it needs a little help. Electrolytes, carbs and protein help serve as transporters to bring that fluid in. Having those things in your beverage speeds up the rate of getting fluid into the body before it is excreted.

    That is why sports drinks are called “sports” drinks because they help hydrate in those situations where it’s needed most. Athletes and really anyone who exercises, loses a lot of fluid in sweat that needs to be replaced. Incorporating electrolytes and sports drinks at the appropriate times can be key for optimizing performance and decreasing injury risk.

    When is each beverage best to have?

    Water is always number one. That should be on hand by your side every day always. Certain times though do call for increased hydration needs and importance. If in a situation of having two training sessions or two games in a single day, added electrolytes are 100% necessary. You need to rehydrate the fluid that was lost in the first session/game to go into the second one hydrated.

    Training in very hot environments or having very tough/long sessions also warrant an increased focus on electrolytes. There is a lot of sweat that has been lost in those moments that need to be replaced. Maintaining more consistent hydration helps to ensure optimal performance can be achieved, soft tissue injury risk is decreased and that the immune system is able to remain strong as well. All of these things help to ensure getting the most out of training sessions and also staying healthy enough to stay on the field.

    Hydration recommendations

    Overall fluid intake is still the priority. Aim to drink at least half of your body weight (pounds) in ounces of fluid each day. For example, a 160 pound athlete should be drinking at least 80oz of fluid daily.

    As for specific types of things to drink, I’m a big fan of The Right Stuff and LMNT for increased electrolyte consumption. The sodium concentration in these are very high and great for heavy sweaters or situations where rapid hydration is needed. They’re great in hot environments too as discussed earlier.

    Some carb containing traditional sports drinks like PowerAde and Gatorade are helpful when additional carbs are needed. Situations such as during games, higher intensity training sessions or when back-to-back games are played and overall energy needs are higher. These shouldn’t be consumed casually throughout the entire day though.

    Going back to the initial point, drinking enough in general is the key starting point. Get yourself a nice water bottle and keep that next to you each day. Then if needing to top off your hydration, keep a packet of some of those electrolytes handy to throw in that bottle too. Always have to be prepared!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Rest days are important, but when should they be?

    Taking rest day is incredibly important. Rest days are when the body is able to fully repair and strengthen itself from the work you put it through. Unfortunately rest days are sometimes viewed as unnecessary. The mindset of ‘if I’m not training, I’m not improving’ is very common and very strong. What needs to be understood is that a rest day doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a completely “off” day.

    What is a rest day?

    Having a proper rest day is incredibly important. There are a few things to consider though when deciding when to have one.

    A rest day can mean different things to different people/teams. Regardless the specifics of what it is, the goal is the same which is to let the body recover. Proper recovery ensures the body is strong and able to continue training and push harder the next day. Usually, these days involve things such as foam rolling, massage, yoga, mobility movements/stretches and very low impact activities. It isn’t a day to be viewed as sitting around doing nothing. The intensity is low but the intent of the activities themselves is still high.

    Best time for a rest day

    That is a million dollar question right there as there are a lot of variables to consider. The psychological piece is major for a team as you want to ensure after a match that time to decompress is provided. Playing at such a high intensity takes a lot out of you and a lot of recovery needs to take place. But whether that recovery is a full rest day or a lighter training session the next day is the big question. A recent study reviewing rest day scheduling habits of various top soccer clubs throughout the world shows having a rest day two days after a match may be the way to go.

    Recovery timeline impact on injuries

    Having a rest day two days after a match showed significant decreases in injury amongst the players. The situations specifically where this was noted when time between matches was 3 or 7 days. Part of this could be that it helps keep training loads of starters and substitution players equal. The day after a match, starters can have a lighter active recovery day while the subs could have a heavier workload to still get the work in they need. Maintaining that proper balance of total work ensures they are staying fit as well. Being more fit naturally decreases injury risk as was shown in the data collected.

    Rest day considerations

    While that second day appears to be more often than not the way to go, always keep an open mind. Evaluate all the different aspects before locking in the decision. Consider how you and/or the other players are feeling psychologically and what other events may be going on at the same time as well. The main thing though is to ensure that the proper training loads are being achieved while recovery opportunities are still available as well. Maintaining fitness helps minimize injury risk and so too does that rest. Just make sure on those rest days that nutrition and hydration are still being prioritized as well!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Preseason hydration needs to keep in mind

    Preseason is a unique animal where physical demands significantly increased. Right alongside that, nutrition and hydration demand increase significantly. Typically occurring in warmer places as well which can be a unique challenge. If a player is coming from a cold environment pre-camp, they will have a few days of acclimation. Many changes are occurring all at once and without proper planning could set you up for a tough camp.

    Environment impact on preseason hydration

    Entering preseason, the main goal is to optimally improve performance as efficiently as possible. Everything is monitored on another level to ensure things are all accounted for. Training loads, meal times, meeting times and everything is typically broken-down minute by minute. What can throw a wrench in this is weather. Storms and rain can keep teams off the field which then means one less session for improvement. In order to decrease the risk of that, typically preseason is held in a warm location that on average doesn’t get much rain or storms.

    Preseason hydration needs to keep in mind

    While nice for a vacation it poses a challenge to athletes from a hydration perspective. Especially if an athlete is coming from a cold environment (like Ohio in January) to a hot environment, the body needs time to adapt. In the first few days there isn’t as much sweat being produced as quickly or as much as may be usual. The sweat that is produced though has a higher sodium concentration. After a few days the body then adapts and begins to sweat earlier and more but it is more diluted with less sodium being lost. This needs to be accounted for in your hydration if in this situation. Prioritize some additional sodium via electrolyte packets or salt at meals in the early days. Then the priority shifts a bit more to overall fluid intake.

    Worse hydration = worse training

    Nobody feels good when dehydrated. Even slight dehydration though that may not be as noticeable can still have a noticeable impact on your ability to train. Less water in the system results in less overall blood volume. What that means is that the heart has to pump quicker to move the blood throughout the body. Like when your heart rate increases when you train harder forcing you to feel tired, if your heart rate is already starting slightly higher because of dehydration it will have you “hit the wall” that much quicker.

    This was demonstrated in the recent study linked at the bottom which showed dehydrated resulted in decreased accelerations/sprints. These are key pieces of training that need to be done to help improve fitness for the upcoming season. If unable to achieve those high speeds, the training sessions won’t be as effective.

    Stay cool by staying hydrated this preseason

    The blood volume situation mentioned previously also impacts your internal temperature. When the blood is flowing through the body near the surface of the skin, it’s able to be closer to the air. This contact with the air is what can help to cool the blood down as it returns throughout the body. Slightly cooler blood is able to help keep the internal core temperature down. Being hot can be uncomfortable and add a psychological challenge on top of the physical challenge of training.

    Maintaining proper blood volume allows for the blood to flow a bit easier to the surface of the skin to achieve that cooling effect. If you’ve ever noticed your veins “popping” a bit more in the heat, this is why. The body is trying to maximize that exposure to help cool itself down.

    Ways to monitor your hydration level

    One of the oldest strategies is to look at the color of your urine. It’s an oldie but goodie still as it is a very convenient way to tell and is fairly accurate. If your urine is a light pale lemonade color, you’re in good shape. On the opposite end if it’s dark and apple juice colored, you need to grab a bottle of water pronto.

    Another helpful strategy can be used to see how you’re hydrating at training itself. This is done by weighing yourself before and after training. When done, that weight difference is how much sweat you lost during training that needs to be replaced. A general rule of thumb is that for every pound lost, drink one 16oz bottle of water/fluid. Overall try to avoid a weight loss of more than 2% of your body weight. For a 150 pound individual this would be 3 pounds or for someone 200 pounds it would be 4 pounds.

    Maintaining that hydration will ensure you are staying ready to maximize your training sessions. By being able to more consistently train harder you’ll see more results and apply that to an overall better season. Last but not least as well, proper hydration decreases your risk of soft tissue injury. These are things like those annoying muscle pulls/tweaks. Keep yourself on the field and maximize your potential by keeping that water bottle on hand!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Wearable technology is not great at estimating calorie needs

    For anyone interested in optimizing their health/performance, wearable technology has likely come up. There are so many different companies out there making different products for just about everything. Athletes in particular have been heavily targeted due to various training, recovery and sleep metrics out there. Having so much information at one’s disposal though makes it very important to know how accurate it is. Additionally, even if accurate what to do with that information is potentially an even bigger question.

    Sleep and training wearable technology

    These are what I’d say are the two most popular types of wearables on the market. Sleep is an area that just about everyone can improve upon and thus everyone wants to know how to be better. It’s also a very ‘easy’ time to try and measure something as the body isn’t moving as much. Measuring resting heart rate, heart rate variability, body temp and time spent in deep sleep are all great. They monitor trends of how the body is responding to various stressors each day to recover.

    During training is when some of the physical stressors are monitored. Whether it’s heart rate increases or using GPS technology to know how far, fast and accelerations/decelerations during a training session you can have a TON of information. To balance overall training load and how hard you are pushing your body, this information can be wonderful. Combining this and sleep recovery can be a great combo to monitor how the body responds to a specific session and knowing if the body is recovered to push things again the next day. It’s a balancing act to continue driving improvement but minimizing injury risk.

    Calculating calories with wearable technology

    Measuring caloric expenditure is where things get very tricky. Most wearables struggle with calculating the metabolic load of different exercises because it’s tough to track. Particularly during collision or resistance training activities this is even tougher. Most wearables rely on heart rate and a bit of GPS to determine energy needs. Looking at weight lifting though you aren’t moving hardly at all. On top of that it’s generally a fairly short duration for each set and your heart rate may not increase too significantly. Unless the wearable is specifically able to detect the force each muscle is generating to lift the respective weight it’s going to struggle calculating that.

    Collision sports are in a similar boat. Forces generated upon impact of hitting something as of now isn’t easily detected by wearables. At least not to my knowledge! These collisions though absolutely generate a big toll on the body and require additional caloric needs to repair. Linemen in American football in particular are prime examples of this. While already typically large individuals, their caloric needs are very high due to the frequent collisions they experience every play. This is in spite of not running or covering much ground typically.

    Be cautious with estimated calories

    Due to everything just mentioned, be careful if looking at the estimated calorie expenditure of your wearable. As the referenced study here shows as well, it very likely is underestimating what you truly need. In this study in particular is came in significantly under! When testing during a rugby preseason, the wearable they used (SenseWear Pro3) underestimated calorie needs by up to 1,000 calories. In-season needs were underestimated by 500 calories. Every piece of wearable technology is going to be a different and more or less accurate but the message is clear that you should be cautious with those numbers.

    Is any wearable technology worth it?

    Like most things…it depends! Ask yourself first what it is you are wanting to achieve and find out and then do a bit of your own research seeing what provides the type of information you’re wanting. Personally I’m a big fan of them. I utilize both Whoop and an Apple Watch but for slightly different reasons for each. The Whoop I have really enjoyed in monitoring my recovery and training loads and works for me. I’m using the Apple Watch honestly more for keeping myself organized but am playing with their fitness and sleep type information as well.

    The most important thing when using these types of technology is to not take the specific numbers to heart. You want to be more mindful of the overall trends. With the calories being a perfect example, we know the exact number being displayed to us is likely wrong. But by looking at the overall trends of our numbers, if the calories are showing to be higher one day it’s likely safe to say you need to eat more! You may have done a bit more movement/exercise that previously and thus need more food. So overall yes, I’m a fan of these things and like the information but stay mindful of what it’s actually telling you. Remember that trends are typically more valuable than single day numbers.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Metabolic differences between slow & steady and high intensity exercise

    Exercise typically comes in two forms; aerobic and anaerobic. Both are beneficial and should be a part of everyone’s exercise and training routine but each has metabolic differences. Put simply, if you want to run for longer do some aerobic work. On the other hand then if you want to be stronger and more explosive do some anaerobic work. Metabolically, though there are some slight differences to keep in mind.

    Metabolic differences – Resistance exercise

    Resistance exercise is a lot more anaerobic. It involves moments of high intensity with some brief periods of rest sprinkled in. This high intensity activity generally depends more on carbs to maintain performance. In the moment and knowing some high intensity work is around the corner, grabbing some pretzels or a banana can be helpful if really getting after it. Hydrating properly before hand is also even more important for these activities. Grab some water to wash the pretzels down and you’ll be good to go.

    There are metabolic differences between resistance training and aerobic training that you need to be mindful of.

    Metabolic differences – Cardio exercise

    Running and more longer duration activities are more aerobic in nature. Slower and more steady state activities tend to rely a bit more on fat for energy in the moment. Overall, though aerobic activities use a bit more variety in energy. You can be casually jogging but then if needing to sprint all of a sudden, some carbs in the body will get tapped into to produce that energy. Having the flexibility to switch between these energy sources is key. Like all activities, when wanting to perform your best the main thing is to simply eat! Focusing on the foods that you know sit well for you and are appealing are great. Having a little bit of carbs can be helpful as well like for the situation mentioned so something like a PB&J sandwich can be great beforehand.

    Post-training response

    The body’s response after the activities is where things get interesting. After exercise, the body does respond with similar reactions to both types of training. Where things differ is in how strong some of those reactions are. Pushing your body through tough exercise naturally causes a stress response in the body. Post-aerobic exercise that stress response immediately appears to be a bit higher but then comes back down quicker compared to resistance exercise. Despite a lower overall stress response, there is a potentially greater amino acid breakdown in aerobic activity.

    What to do in response to differences

    After both types of exercise, the body is screaming for food and nutrients to begin the repair process. That extra stress from high intensity activities may in part be why those types of activities can produce potentially greater fitness results in a shorter time. If having a quick turnaround between high intensity competitions, antioxidant rich foods will be key to bring that down. Fruits can be your best friend!

    Higher amino acid breakdown with aerobic exercise indicates more protein/muscle is being broken down. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is something we’d want to address. First line of action is to ensure adequate protein is consumed after these aerobic events. While typically protein gets talked about a lot more with resistance training and weight lifting, it’s just as important with aerobic training. Protein is absolutely important after resistance training too though! Don’t feel as though this means it can be skipped as it’ll be key for muscle building still.

    Now that you know how your body is responding after your workouts make sure you are eating! Have some great protein and some fruit/veggies for optimal recovery. If you’re working hard make sure to eat hard too. (I’ll keep trying to find a better phrase!)

    Study referenced: click here


  • Time restricted feeding impact on fitness and body comp

    Time restricted feeding is a very broad topic which means different things to different people. To some it is fasting for 24 hours at a time 2-3 times per week and others it’s having an 8-hour eating window. For most individuals and especially athletes I wanting to try time restricted feeding or intermittent fasting to avoid full day fasts. Those can increase the amount of muscle that is lost due to the extended period of time and also don’t allow proper fueling for peak performance. The effects of shorter fasting periods seem to be better in general.

    Time restricted feeding – Weight loss

    Losing weight is one of, if not the, biggest reason people tend to consider time restricted feeding. Consider for a second that the foundation of any weight loss strategy is calorie restriction it’s a perfect fit theoretically. Less time to eat means less opportunity to overindulge. With the shorter restriction time though it can help still provide adequate nutrients to avoid muscle loss. Despite some marketing attempts though, it’s not necessarily a magical strategy. Eating less calories is the primary factor and the key to weight loss.

    Time restricted feeding – Body comp

    Slow and steady is the name of the game. As stated with weight loss, restricting too much can result in losing extra muscle which is never ideal from a body comp standpoint. By maintaining a decent number of calories (and protein) the weight loss will primarily be coming from fat. The less opportunity to eat again helps reinforce no added treats sneaking in there. Even without purposefully restricting calories, an 8-hour eating window tends to naturally result in lesser calories being consumed due to that. Lose fat and maintain muscle both are the driving factors for improved body comp.

    Time restricted feeding – Performance

    Performing optimally is where some additional planning comes into play with this. If looking to implement a time restricted feeding strategy it’s crucial to time it up appropriately around your training. Training sessions where you need peak performance, you’re absolutely going to want to eat beforehand. Having a full fuel tank ensures having the energy to do what you do best. On the other hand, in some situations it can be ok to train without eating before. This is a very specific situation to induce some specific metabolic changes to increase fat utilization. While not desirable for every session, it is a tool for the tool belt when applicable. In both situations though, eating afterwards is very important. The body is primed to take up nutrients to maximize recovery and muscle building so you don’t want to skip that window.

    Consideration for athletes

    When considering this, the first thing is to decide what you’re trying to achieve. If wanting to lose weight this could be a strategy to consider to help with that. Especially if night time snacking seems to be a big challenge. A hard set end-time can provide that extra barrier to help eliminate that temptation and extra calories. But by no means is that the only way to lose weight or even the best way for some people.

    Everyone responds differently to different things so find the strategy best for you. Making sure all the while to fuel yourself properly around training sessions. The biggest thing to reiterate though is to make sure any potential long term fasts are avoided to maintain that muscle.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Is performance better with plant based or meat based diets?

    Debates between plant based or animal based diets has been going on for a long time! Touted benefits of plant based diets tend to revolve around impacts on inflammation, cardiovascular health and the environment. Flipping the script, typical negatives of plant based diets are poor quality protein options and lacking certain nutrients. Recently another study came out to offer additional insight into this. Participants spent 4-weeks eating three different diet strategies; strictly plant based, alternative meat based (think plant burgers and sausage items), and traditional animal based diets. After each 4-week period a series of fitness tests were conducted to compare the effects.

    Performance test results

    Tests measured for performance were distance covered in 12-minute timed run and various strength exercises (chest press, leg press, lat pull downs). While statistical significance wasn’t achieved, there was still a trend favoring animal protein diets. Both total distance covered and strength changes improved a bit more with animal protein. Amongst competitive athletes, even the slightest improvements can have big impacts on the end results. Due to that even minor improvements can’t be overlooked.

    Possible reasons for favored animal results

    Max performance on a plant based diet does need to ensure adequate nutrients are being supplemented that may not otherwise be consumed enough. Main nutrients of note include vitamin B12, creatine and iron. All of these aid in energy production and oxygen delivery. Improvements in those two things will certainly translate into improved performance. Also, the animal protein group was consuming a higher overall protein intake as well. Protein is very important for optimal muscle recovery/repair and muscle building. Due to many plant based protein being incomplete proteins, more protein is needed in these situations. Less total protein on top of that could result of less recovery. Coming into test days a bit more recovered could have aided better performances amongst the animal protein periods.

    Plant based diets may not provide same benefits as animal based diets if additional nutrient needs aren't addressed.

    You can still compete on a plant based diet

    Planning ahead is key for anyone considering a plant based diet. Ensure no key nutrients are being missed which means supplements can play a major role in this situation. Particularly as mentioned previously, vitamin B12, creatine and iron should be considered. Top that off with a bit extra protein and you’ll be in great shape. Regardless your overall diet strategy, some extra veggies and fruit will rarely hurt you. Make sure to keep those an integral part and your performance will continue to thrive.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Endurance athletes need plenty of protein too!

    Typically it’s carbs that are getting the all the attention. Energy production is generated from carbs which is what makes them so beneficial in that situation. While yes endurance athletes can benefit from some additional carbs, it’s important to not forget the importance of protein. What if there was more to fueling strategies than just trying to pump carbs in and generate energy?

    Protein a necessity for endurance athletes

    Having protein is first and foremost key for muscle repair and rebuilding. Strength training and body builder type environments tend to be first of mind when thinking protein but it’s important for more than just that! Runners and other endurance athletes beat up their muscles a lot during their training and competition. How can they not be after hours of non-stop activity? Damaging the muscles like that makes it incredibly important to have adequate protein to repair and strengthen them to improve performance. After training is typically when protein is consumed to maximize that repair process. Competing at an elite level requires having healthy and strong muscles to allow for consistent training. Consistent training allows for those gradual performance improvements, translating into better competition results.

    What about protein DURING a run?

    Endurance athlete on a run with some protein aiding performance.

    Recovering after physical activity is certainly important but there could be a way to be a bit more proactive. By adding some protein to your fueling strategy during your run it could help reduce muscle damage and breakdown. Keeping damage down could result in less soreness and in the moment allow for pushing harder and longer. Concerns regarding this strategy have centered around the fear that by having protein during activity could increase protein breakdown for energy. While the body will use some of the protein being consumed for energy, there isn’t enough evidence to suggest it would result in breaking down muscle for more.

    Keep the protein shake next to the Gatorade

    Having a source of protein on hand for training/competition is never a bad thing. Regardless if having the protein before, during or after it’s an important part of any nutrition plan. Consuming adequate protein overall over the course of the entire day is the first step. After that though, having some protein during longer events appear to be worth trying for endurance athletes. Exercise done to exhaustion in the study referenced here showed a few additional seconds improvement in those who had protein before/during their run. While a few seconds may not seem like a lot, sometimes a few seconds is all that separates winning or losing.

    Before jumping in and having a protein shake mid-competition, make sure you try it during a practice run first. The rule is always no new foods during competition! Digesting protein is typically a bit tougher on the body and can result in some stomach discomfort. Response to that obviously differs for everyone but if it doesn’t sit well for you, it’s best to find out during practice. If it doesn’t sit well for you, still try to consume adequate food that does sit well for the event. Overall energy intake is still a key factor for those long endurance events.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Not all beet juice products are made equal

    Beet juice is popular amongst more people than just Dwight Schrute from The Office. Athletes and those looking to maximize their performance are starting to gravitate towards beets more and more. Research is continuing to come out supporting those benefits but it’s confusing to know how to take for best results. Looking into this, a new study shows that there is a lot of variation amongst different products and also even a bit between batches of the same product.

    What’s so special about beet juice?

    Nitrates are the main piece of the puzzle that makes beet juice so beneficial. Within the body those nitrates are converted into nitric oxide which help dilate blood vessels for improve blood flow and oxygen delivery. Consuming enough nitrates to maximize that potential can have a significant benefit on performance. Improved oxygen delivery helps muscles produce the energy they need but also it helps ‘clear out’ byproducts like lactate better. Combining all of these factors will help to train/compete longer with less fatigue. Post-training it can help from a recovery aspect as well from that.

    Differences between products

    Knowing the benefits beets and nitrates can have, now it’s a matter of making sure the needed amount is consumed. Most products, especially supplements, will specifically label the nitrate content within them. While it’s nice of them to say what the product contains, it’s another thing for it to actually contain what it says. Supplements in general are very susceptible to this and aren’t always as accurate as we would like them to be. On top of that, you need to make sure beet supplements are third party tested to ensure they don’t have any banned substances in them either. Put all of that together and it emphasizes why choosing beet juice may be the better and safer option.

    Juice vs. supplement

    Concentration of nitrates in juice appear to be a bit more consistent in providing the amounts needed for their benefits. The majority of the supplements reviewed in the recent study don’t have the needed amounts of nitrates in them. Having confidence in knowing you’re getting what you need is certainly something that needs to be kept in mind. Adding to the confidence of having the nitrates needed to work their magic, beet juice also has some other benefits too. Drinking beet juice will provide some extra carbs before intense competitions and the fluid to help ensure proper hydration. Putting all of this together, beet juice makes for one heck of a pre-workout addition to your nutrition plan.

    Beet juice typically has higher nitrate concentration and more consistent than beet supplements.

    How and when to drink beet juice

    Knowing beet juice is helpful is nice but it’s just as important to know how best to take it. Drinking beet juice doesn’t have the nitrates kick in immediately and needs to be timed up appropriately for maximum effect. Wait until about 2 hours before your competition is about to begin before having beet juice as that’s how long it takes for your body to absorb and begin using those nitrates. Drinking half a cup (4oz) should be sufficient in most cases as well to provide the proper amounts of nitrates. Concentrated beet shots of ~2oz can sometimes provide enough as well but that will depend on the beets used.

    Having some extra wiggle room for error, I would recommend going with the 4oz. Regardless though, like with all new things make sure to try it first during practice and not before a competition! No new foods on game day to make sure you know how your body responds to things. Nobody enjoys competing with an upset stomach.

    Study referenced: click here