Exercise typically comes in two forms; aerobic and anaerobic. Both are beneficial and should be a part of everyone’s exercise and training routine but each has metabolic differences. Put simply, if you want to run for longer do some aerobic work. On the other hand then if you want to be stronger and more explosive do some anaerobic work. Metabolically, though there are some slight differences to keep in mind.
Metabolic differences – Resistance exercise
Resistance exercise is a lot more anaerobic. It involves moments of high intensity with some brief periods of rest sprinkled in. This high intensity activity generally depends more on carbs to maintain performance. In the moment and knowing some high intensity work is around the corner, grabbing some pretzels or a banana can be helpful if really getting after it. Hydrating properly before hand is also even more important for these activities. Grab some water to wash the pretzels down and you’ll be good to go.
Metabolic differences – Cardio exercise
Running and more longer duration activities are more aerobic in nature. Slower and more steady state activities tend to rely a bit more on fat for energy in the moment. Overall, though aerobic activities use a bit more variety in energy. You can be casually jogging but then if needing to sprint all of a sudden, some carbs in the body will get tapped into to produce that energy. Having the flexibility to switch between these energy sources is key. Like all activities, when wanting to perform your best the main thing is to simply eat! Focusing on the foods that you know sit well for you and are appealing are great. Having a little bit of carbs can be helpful as well like for the situation mentioned so something like a PB&J sandwich can be great beforehand.
Post-training response
The body’s response after the activities is where things get interesting. After exercise, the body does respond with similar reactions to both types of training. Where things differ is in how strong some of those reactions are. Pushing your body through tough exercise naturally causes a stress response in the body. Post-aerobic exercise that stress response immediately appears to be a bit higher but then comes back down quicker compared to resistance exercise. Despite a lower overall stress response, there is a potentially greater amino acid breakdown in aerobic activity.
What to do in response to differences
After both types of exercise, the body is screaming for food and nutrients to begin the repair process. That extra stress from high intensity activities may in part be why those types of activities can produce potentially greater fitness results in a shorter time. If having a quick turnaround between high intensity competitions, antioxidant rich foods will be key to bring that down. Fruits can be your best friend!
Higher amino acid breakdown with aerobic exercise indicates more protein/muscle is being broken down. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is something we’d want to address. First line of action is to ensure adequate protein is consumed after these aerobic events. While typically protein gets talked about a lot more with resistance training and weight lifting, it’s just as important with aerobic training. Protein is absolutely important after resistance training too though! Don’t feel as though this means it can be skipped as it’ll be key for muscle building still.
Now that you know how your body is responding after your workouts make sure you are eating! Have some great protein and some fruit/veggies for optimal recovery. If you’re working hard make sure to eat hard too. (I’ll keep trying to find a better phrase!)
Study referenced: click here