Caffeine is one of the most used supplements out there. Partially due to how abundantly available it is. You have coffee, sodas, energy drinks, tea and many other items are infusing it as well. From a marketing perspective, it is sometimes presented as a fat burner. With many wanting to improve their body comp, this is a very attractive thing for many people. Due to that attraction, naturally marketing companies have jumped on it. Many supplements and other items claim that as a benefit of their product due to the addition of caffeine. These claims are likely a little bit skewed and blown out of proportion.
Caffeine impact on fat
Caffeine is one of the most widely studied supplements/ingredients out there. Amongst these studies there are a lot that analyzed its impact on fat utilization and in short, there isn’t much. While there is a slight increase in the body pulling fat for energy after caffeine, it’s not in a large amount. Certainly, nowhere near as much as the claims may try to make you believe.
Situations where the increase in fat utilization were most present were when at rest/lower intensity activities and in less trained individuals. For athletes and those who have been exercising for a long time, don’t look to caffeine for a magic pill. Again, there may be a small benefit but it will be incredibly minimal. The real benefit would be in its impact on performance. A benefit which doesn’t come from the increased fat usage to preserve glycogen stores.
Caffeine impact on performance
Where caffeine really shines is the benefit it can have on performance when used properly. This benefit is caffeine’s ability to decrease the feeling of fatigue during physical activity. There are certain receptors on the brain called adenosine receptors. These receptors typically receive messages from the body to slow down and hit the brakes through a compound in the body called adenosine.
If adenosine cannot get to those receptors, the message to slow down doesn’t get to the brain. Just like if you are on the phone with someone and another person tries to call, they cannot get through. Without a stop sign being put up, the body is able to push itself harder and perform more/better.
When used appropriately for this manner, caffeine can be beneficial. I recommend though using natural sources of caffeine and limiting things like energy drinks and pre-workout supplements. Coffee is my go-to but make sure it sits well for you and try it out during a practice first.
Warnings of fat loss claims
As we discussed, caffeine has a lot of benefits but fat loss isn’t one of them. Many supplements out their try to make this claim and if you see it that should be a red flag. They are targeting to an audience looking for a quick fix to achieve a goal many desire. These are the most common types of supplements which end up containing banned ingredients. For an athlete, at best this can mean disqualification from some competition. At worst, could result in serious health consequences.
Appropriate strategies for fat loss
Like most things in life, there isn’t a magic trick to achieve those results. It takes effort, consistency and everyone’s favorite P-word….patience. It all begins with making sure your portion sizes of meals/snacks are appropriate. They should contain a good protein source at each meal and snack and getting good sleep are all major factors. Throw in some exercise and you’ve got a recipe for success right there. It’s nothing crazy and it’s not supposed to be! Getting into a routine to maintain consistency is the real challenge but is very doable. Just don’t expect caffeine or any other stimulant to be a short-cut.
Study referenced: click here