Hydration plays a huge role in every aspect of our lives from performance to general wellbeing. Performance wise the results can be a bit more noticeable and apparent with more immediate feedback. Knowing hydration is important is one thing but practicing proper hydration is another. Grabbing another glass of water is usually the most common action taken but may not always be the best.

Water’s hydration benefits

Water is very important and can certainly help with hydration but it isn't always best. Sometimes a little extra is needed.

Don’t misunderstand, water is still great and should always be on hand! Drinking water throughout the day is a lot more effective at maintaining hydration than trying to chug a whole day’s worth in one hour. Properly drinking water will help you stay energized, aid digestion, improve concentration and help avoid nagging headaches. Spreading it out throughout the day also helps to properly absorb it to ensure it’s being utilized and not just peed out. Situations where quick rehydration is needed or when already dehydrated, other options are likely better.

Upgrade your hydration from just water

A couple little tweaks/additions to your water could really help improve hydration effects of your drink. Drinking the proper amount of fluid is the first step, but to get that water from your gut into your body/blood it needs a little help. Electrolytes, carbs and protein help serve as transporters to bring that fluid in. Having those things in your beverage speeds up the rate of getting fluid into the body before it is excreted.

That is why sports drinks are called “sports” drinks because they help hydrate in those situations where it’s needed most. Athletes and really anyone who exercises, loses a lot of fluid in sweat that needs to be replaced. Incorporating electrolytes and sports drinks at the appropriate times can be key for optimizing performance and decreasing injury risk.

When is each beverage best to have?

Water is always number one. That should be on hand by your side every day always. Certain times though do call for increased hydration needs and importance. If in a situation of having two training sessions or two games in a single day, added electrolytes are 100% necessary. You need to rehydrate the fluid that was lost in the first session/game to go into the second one hydrated.

Training in very hot environments or having very tough/long sessions also warrant an increased focus on electrolytes. There is a lot of sweat that has been lost in those moments that need to be replaced. Maintaining more consistent hydration helps to ensure optimal performance can be achieved, soft tissue injury risk is decreased and that the immune system is able to remain strong as well. All of these things help to ensure getting the most out of training sessions and also staying healthy enough to stay on the field.

Hydration recommendations

Overall fluid intake is still the priority. Aim to drink at least half of your body weight (pounds) in ounces of fluid each day. For example, a 160 pound athlete should be drinking at least 80oz of fluid daily.

As for specific types of things to drink, I’m a big fan of The Right Stuff and LMNT for increased electrolyte consumption. The sodium concentration in these are very high and great for heavy sweaters or situations where rapid hydration is needed. They’re great in hot environments too as discussed earlier.

Some carb containing traditional sports drinks like PowerAde and Gatorade are helpful when additional carbs are needed. Situations such as during games, higher intensity training sessions or when back-to-back games are played and overall energy needs are higher. These shouldn’t be consumed casually throughout the entire day though.

Going back to the initial point, drinking enough in general is the key starting point. Get yourself a nice water bottle and keep that next to you each day. Then if needing to top off your hydration, keep a packet of some of those electrolytes handy to throw in that bottle too. Always have to be prepared!

Study referenced: click here