Time restricted feeding is a very broad topic which means different things to different people. To some it is fasting for 24 hours at a time 2-3 times per week and others it’s having an 8-hour eating window. For most individuals and especially athletes I wanting to try time restricted feeding or intermittent fasting to avoid full day fasts. Those can increase the amount of muscle that is lost due to the extended period of time and also don’t allow proper fueling for peak performance. The effects of shorter fasting periods seem to be better in general.

Time restricted feeding – Weight loss

Losing weight is one of, if not the, biggest reason people tend to consider time restricted feeding. Consider for a second that the foundation of any weight loss strategy is calorie restriction it’s a perfect fit theoretically. Less time to eat means less opportunity to overindulge. With the shorter restriction time though it can help still provide adequate nutrients to avoid muscle loss. Despite some marketing attempts though, it’s not necessarily a magical strategy. Eating less calories is the primary factor and the key to weight loss.

Time restricted feeding – Body comp

Slow and steady is the name of the game. As stated with weight loss, restricting too much can result in losing extra muscle which is never ideal from a body comp standpoint. By maintaining a decent number of calories (and protein) the weight loss will primarily be coming from fat. The less opportunity to eat again helps reinforce no added treats sneaking in there. Even without purposefully restricting calories, an 8-hour eating window tends to naturally result in lesser calories being consumed due to that. Lose fat and maintain muscle both are the driving factors for improved body comp.

Time restricted feeding – Performance

Performing optimally is where some additional planning comes into play with this. If looking to implement a time restricted feeding strategy it’s crucial to time it up appropriately around your training. Training sessions where you need peak performance, you’re absolutely going to want to eat beforehand. Having a full fuel tank ensures having the energy to do what you do best. On the other hand, in some situations it can be ok to train without eating before. This is a very specific situation to induce some specific metabolic changes to increase fat utilization. While not desirable for every session, it is a tool for the tool belt when applicable. In both situations though, eating afterwards is very important. The body is primed to take up nutrients to maximize recovery and muscle building so you don’t want to skip that window.

Consideration for athletes

When considering this, the first thing is to decide what you’re trying to achieve. If wanting to lose weight this could be a strategy to consider to help with that. Especially if night time snacking seems to be a big challenge. A hard set end-time can provide that extra barrier to help eliminate that temptation and extra calories. But by no means is that the only way to lose weight or even the best way for some people.

Everyone responds differently to different things so find the strategy best for you. Making sure all the while to fuel yourself properly around training sessions. The biggest thing to reiterate though is to make sure any potential long term fasts are avoided to maintain that muscle.

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