Debates between plant based or animal based diets has been going on for a long time! Touted benefits of plant based diets tend to revolve around impacts on inflammation, cardiovascular health and the environment. Flipping the script, typical negatives of plant based diets are poor quality protein options and lacking certain nutrients. Recently another study came out to offer additional insight into this. Participants spent 4-weeks eating three different diet strategies; strictly plant based, alternative meat based (think plant burgers and sausage items), and traditional animal based diets. After each 4-week period a series of fitness tests were conducted to compare the effects.
Performance test results
Tests measured for performance were distance covered in 12-minute timed run and various strength exercises (chest press, leg press, lat pull downs). While statistical significance wasn’t achieved, there was still a trend favoring animal protein diets. Both total distance covered and strength changes improved a bit more with animal protein. Amongst competitive athletes, even the slightest improvements can have big impacts on the end results. Due to that even minor improvements can’t be overlooked.
Possible reasons for favored animal results
Max performance on a plant based diet does need to ensure adequate nutrients are being supplemented that may not otherwise be consumed enough. Main nutrients of note include vitamin B12, creatine and iron. All of these aid in energy production and oxygen delivery. Improvements in those two things will certainly translate into improved performance. Also, the animal protein group was consuming a higher overall protein intake as well. Protein is very important for optimal muscle recovery/repair and muscle building. Due to many plant based protein being incomplete proteins, more protein is needed in these situations. Less total protein on top of that could result of less recovery. Coming into test days a bit more recovered could have aided better performances amongst the animal protein periods.
You can still compete on a plant based diet
Planning ahead is key for anyone considering a plant based diet. Ensure no key nutrients are being missed which means supplements can play a major role in this situation. Particularly as mentioned previously, vitamin B12, creatine and iron should be considered. Top that off with a bit extra protein and you’ll be in great shape. Regardless your overall diet strategy, some extra veggies and fruit will rarely hurt you. Make sure to keep those an integral part and your performance will continue to thrive.
Study referenced: click here