
  • Fiber is great but caution around physical activity

    Fiber intake and conversations are important at younger ages too! It’s not just for your grandparent’s old faithful prune juice. Having a healthy gut is incredibly important for your overall health and well being from head to toe. Included in that though is having regular bowel movements. If you’ve ever been constipated before you know how important that can be! While regular and adequate intake is important, there are times which having too much could actually cause more problems than good.

    What is fiber and its benefits

    The most popular impact of fiber is its ability to help ensure regular bowel movements. There are two main types of fiber; soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps to absorb water to soften the stool and make it easier to pass. Insoluble fiber provides bulk and speeds up how quickly it passes through you. Regardless the type, the result is having an easier time going which always feels better compared to constipation.

    Fiber is also able to help feed the good bacteria in your gut to keep that healthy. A healthy gut allows for optimal nutrient absorption while keeping out any potential contaminants. In short, it’s a pretty big deal. Absorbing nutrients into the body properly ensures that every part of the body needing to use those are able to acquire them. If those nutrients aren’t available, inflammation can begin building and cause some major problems.

    How much do you need to be having

    Consuming fiber is important for everyone at every level of physical activity and age. In general men should aim for 38 grams per day while women should aim for 25 grams per day. Great sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, oats, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans. If you take the time to evaluate your daily intake and realize you need to increase things a tad, do so gradually.

    Adding in too much too quickly can have the opposite effect. It can cause constipation and a lot of stomach discomfort. The best strategy is to gradually add in those higher fiber items while also making sure to drink plenty of water. Maintaining proper hydration will help to ensure the water that gets pulled in isn’t dehydrating. 

    When not to be having fiber

    Everything has its own time and place. For fiber, the time and place to AVOID it would be immediately before exercise and competitions. Digesting fiber takes a long time and when training your body is focused on other things. While busy elsewhere and unable to concentrate on digestion, that food just sits there. This results in some gas building and that cinderblock type feeling in the gut to arise. Not a fun time by any stretch of the imagination!

    Fiber has a lot of gut health benefits but when having fiber needs to be kept in mind to avoid problems during physical activity.

    Away from physical activity though fiber is a great thing to have incorporated. They body will have that additional time to digest it and no worries of discomfort. Low fiber foods are much easier on the stomach pre-workout and why going for things such as liquid sports drinks or applesauce would be better than whole apples or a smoothie with veggies and seeds in it. Those are all great things to be having but the time and place of them matter. Stay mindful of your intake and make sure it’s working in a beneficial manner for you.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Add some avocado to your life

    The idea of “super foods” gets thrown around a lot. Along the way many foods tend to cycle in and out of the label and avocado is one of them. Avocados have become incredibly popular but the reasonings as to why depends on why you ask. Some sing its praises due to its low carb content. Other’s love it for the great nutrients it contains. Then there are some that are hesitant about them due to their fat content. With such differing opinions and thoughts, it can be confusing to know what to think about this mysterious fruit.

    Avocado hype and the positives

    There is a lot to love about avocados which is what sparked the referenced study in the first place. They are a nutrient powerhouse that contain some vitamins that the majority of people struggle to get enough of. In particular, vitamin E and magnesium. The nutrients help to fight off inflammation in the body and aids melatonin production for sleep respectively.

    Keeping the good times rolling, avocados are also a solid source of fiber and potassium. Fiber is great at keeping a health gut microbiome which cannot be emphasize enough how important that is. The gut is one of the body’s first lines of defense to keep the bad stuff out and let the good stuff in. This ensures no inflammatory items are allowed in while the beneficial nutrients are, to keep the body in a fantastic state. Potassium wise avocados actually contain more potassium than bananas. Adequate potassium intake ensures optimal muscle contractions while also aiding blood pressure levels.

    Avocado is a great source of a variety of nutrients. There can be confusion about high fat foods but you can rest assured about avocado!

    Isn’t all the fat in avocado worrisome?

    This is a myth that has been around seemingly since the dawn of time. Eating fat is not bad! Your body requires fat and is needed for optimal nutrient absorption and hormone production. Without those things you’re going to have a bad time. It’s a good thing that avocados can fill that need for you then as avocado is one of the few fruits that is mostly made up of fat.

    The type of fat in avocados is particularly what makes them so popular by many people. Avocados are very high in unsaturated fats. Compared to saturated fats, unsaturated fats have been linked with better overall health benefits. They’ve been shown to help decrease inflammation in the body and aid in cholesterol improvements. These cardiovascular effects were the focal point of the recent study done. With the nutrients and unsaturated fat content of avocados it was expected to be clear cut benefits being seen.

    While the benefits weren’t as significant as one may expect, there were still some positive trends. HDL levels were shown to increase which is helpful at decreasing the risk of cardiovascular issues arising. In addition to that, oxidized LDL levels were decreased indicating overall stress in the body was decreased. Looking at potential impact on weight as well there wasn’t any indication that increase avocado consumption resulted in increased weight gain. Just reinforcing the fact that eating fat does not make one fat. Overall, there’s a lot of benefit coming from those avocados.

    Ways to incorporate more avocados

    Cauliflower is still the champion of being able to be converted into just about anything! Avocado though can still make some guest appearances. One of my favorite ways to mix them in is in smoothies. They don’t provide much of a flavor that would overpower anything and can add a wonderful creaminess to the smoothie. If wanting to get a bit wild though, there are avocado brownies and avocado ice cream which Tom Brady has been known to dabble with. All of these are great but sometimes too just plain avocado with a little salt on its own is perfect enough! With so many options, make sure you are trying to add a few into your rotation as well.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Dental health impact of energy drinks and sports drinks

    It may come as a surprise but dental health is an issue for many athletes. At Olympic games, dental care is one of the most common requests. There are a variety of factors that impact this which need to be kept in mind for athletes, in particular energy drinks and sports drinks. Peak performance requires peak nutrition which is difficult to achieve with dental health issues.

    Prevalence of dental health issues

    Dental health may not come to mind first when thinking of performance but an unexpected procedure can have a big impact on a game/tournament.

    Globally, dental health is a big issue amongst many athletes. For some it has to do with lack of access to dentists for regular checkups which is a major issue. Without a check-up it’s too easy for a minor issue to become something much bigger. At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games there were as many as 1600 dental treatments requested which had to be taken care of. Going to the dentist on a regular weekday is bad enough but imagine doing so in such an environment. Having to compete in the biggest moment of one’s life while having a sore mouth on top of it all. Competing your best requires feeling your best and dental health falls right in that category.

    Negative dental health contributing factors

    For active individuals there is a constant messaging of needing more and more carbs. Yes, carbs can be beneficial in the proper situation but sometimes the message gets confused. Sometimes this gets interpreted to thinking carbs need to be consumed 24/7 with drinks and food. With new sports nutrition products everywhere, this has become incredibly easy to do. Between energy drinks and sports drinks as well as gels, gummies and bars, carbs are easy to find.

    Constantly being exposed to high carb containing foods can be hard on teeth though. Typically, cavities get thought of around Halloween time due to kids eating all that candy. This same situation can become present with sports products but isn’t viewed the same way. Without keeping this in mind and making sure to properly clean and take care of one’s teeth, that constant exposure can lead to cavities and other issues as well.

    Increasing the risk of those issues is the fact that athletes are pushing their bodies to their limits in training. That effort impacts the immune system already and hurts the ability to fight off inflammation. While focusing on handling the stress of training, it can’t address the stress going on in the mouth. It’s the perfect storm and leaving the mouth very susceptible to potential issues. 

    Try to be proactive

    As mentioned previously, it’s tough to focus on the task at hand with a sore mouth! Being proactive as opposed to reactive is always the way to go and dental health is no exception. There’s never a good time for potential dental surgeries but if able to get ahead of things they can be prevented. If not prevented then at least addressed in more ideal times and situations. Nothing is worse than going into a major competition and then having to go and have dental surgery which can keep you out for a few days or more.

    As part of regular pre-season screenings, this is why dental checks are now becoming common amongst sports teams. Getting ahead of these things ensures healthy participation the rest of the year. Make sure you are taking care of your dental health as well. Brush regularly and have regular checkups with your dentist. During the day also make sure you aren’t constantly exposing your teeth to sugar as well. Sports drinks are intended to be used in specific situations when actually competing. Not necessarily while sitting on the couch because you enjoy the flavor. Your best ability is availability so keep those pearly whites healthy!

    Study referenced: click here


  • ACL recovery and injury prevention things to keep in mind

    Injuries are unfortunately part of what comes with sports and a common one is ACL injuries. Due to this, ACL recovery and injury prevention are key topics that need to be discussed in sport. Even for those who don’t classify themselves as an “athlete”, healthy ligaments are still very important. Nobody wants to deal with an injury or long recovery time so proper steps need to be taken.

    ACL injury causes

    Most ACL injuries occur in non-contact situations. Contact injuries are easy to see and understand what occurred but these are tougher to decipher. A main contributor seems to be in general a large training load being made without enough recovery time. Continuous training and small micro-tearing of the ACL continues to increase like muscles without rest. Poor day to day repair results in a bit of a ticking time-bomb waiting to go off.

    ACL recovery can be a long process. There are things that can be done though to help speed that up and decrease risk of injuring your ACL.

    ACL recovery starts with prevention

    Managing those small tears after training sessions and other physical activity is key. Monitoring the overall training load and intensity that is done helps ensure the proper rest time is offered in response to it. Tougher and more intense sessions need more rest. Nothing ground breaking there but it just needs to be monitored to know when it should be done. Then it’s actually doing it!

    Sometimes allowing yourself to take time off or having a lighter session is the toughest part. The feeling of needing to constantly push to stay above the competition is so strong. It’s just as much of a mental game that is played. But taking that time is a MUST to continue progressing. The most gains are actually gained on off days.

    Capitalizing on that prevention then is getting enough sleep. Proper sleep decreases the overall stress levels in the body. Stress doesn’t help anything but in particular it can impact your body’s ability to produce the ligament building/strengthening hormones to maximize recovery.

    Another major piece of the puzzle is collagen. Collagen is the main building block for tendons and ligaments. Just like you have protein to help build and repair muscles, collagen works in the same manner for tendons and ligaments. To get the most out of the collagen though you want to make sure that it contains some vitamin C. That helps the body to absorb it more effectively to actually work its magic.

    ACL recovery timeline

    Tendon and ligament injuries tend to take a bit longer to recover from. These areas typically get less blood flow to them which is a major reason for that delayed timeline. Blood is responsible to delivering those great nutrients and the collagen being consumed to the area. Incorporating some knee specific movement when able is important for this right here. That physical movement increases blood flow to the specific area to help aid nutrient delivery.

    ACL recovery strategies

    Finding a quality collagen is a big step and as noted previously it should have vitamin C within it. Two products that I typically recommend are Klean and Vital Proteins. Both of them are third party tested and have vitamin C within their products.

    Once those are acquired, taking them at the proper time is the next piece of the puzzle. The goal is to time it up with any rehab or exercise to take advantage of the increased blood flow. Drinking ~15g of collagen with vitamin C 30-60 minutes beforehand is perfect. That gives time for it to be absorbed and then the physical movement will help get that to the areas in need.

    Even after fully recovered and returned to full activity, continuing to take collagen can be helpful. It will maximize recovery between training sessions to help decrease the microtear buildup. As discussed earlier, recovery between sessions is very important and this will help maximize that. That combined with getting a lovely 8-10 hours of sleep each night and your ligaments are going to be feeling great!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Better nutrition knowledge helps keep better body composition

    Knowledge is power, especially in the case of nutrition knowledge. Having a solid understanding of nutrition can help improve every aspect of your life, top to bottom. Eating properly keeps you mentally sharp, decreases soreness, improves power and performance in the gym and on the field and also help prevent you from getting sick. The key though is to truly understand and know what your body needs. That allows you the freedom to make decisions on your own without relying on someone else to tell you exactly what to eat. As an example, improved body composition is a goal many of us have. In a recent study they showed that increased nutrition knowledge was correlated with just that.

    Nutrition knowledge throughout the season

    For athlete’s the year generally flows in the order of preseason, in-season, post-season and off-season. Each of these seasons are vastly different and as a result the nutrition needs are different. The training loads are going to be different to achieve different things and if eating the exact same way all year long, the maximum benefits won’t be achieved from that training. Training sessions are typically the hardest part of things so making sure nutrition is on point helps get the most out of them.

    Challenges across the year

    Off-seasons are when the biggest challenges tend to arise for most players. This generally results in weight gain as well as muscle mass loss due to a combination of less training and poor nutrition. When it’s time to report back for preseason typically there is a correction of that weight gain to result in peak shape come the regular season. As the referenced study here showed, better nutrition knowledge correlated with less negative changes in the offseason.

    Better nutrition knowledge is linked to better body composition. Make sure you have a reliable source for that information!

    Maintaining closer to ideal body composition and weight numbers helps make the preseason go a lot smoother. Without having to spend the beginning just trying to get back into shape, the focus can be on improvement. There is also less risk of any injuries popping up. Needing to lose weight requires maintaining a calorie deficit. In that deficit the body isn’t able to recover or build muscle as well after training sessions. With such an increased workload in the pre-season this could be a recipe for disaster.

    Make sure it’s correct nutrition knowledge

    So to improve and maintain your body composition, pay attention to your nutrition. There is a whole lot of information out on the internet on this topic though. Pay close attention to ensure you are getting your information from a reliable source. Don’t fall for a popular post from an influencer or the guy at the supplement store. Sometimes they can be correct but many times are questionable at best. If unsure about something, feel free to reach out to me to ensure you’re giving your body what it needs.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Açaí Berries May Be Part Of Why Hawaii Is So Calm And Relaxed

    One of the best things that I had when my wife and I went to Hawaii were the acai bowls. They were as common over there as ice cream shops are here off the island. If you’ve had the pleasure of traveling to Hawaii you will have noticed the great culture and pace of life. It’s night and day compared to big city living around New York or Los Angeles. Some of this more relaxed, less anxious and overall chill demeaner may be in part due to this focus on acai.

    What is açaí?

    Acai is a berry that is native to Central and South America but has become popular is more places than just that. Super foods is a title that gets thrown around a bit loosely now-a-days but acai would absolutely be worthy of that label. Nutrients within acai are very antioxidant heavy which is able to help decrease inflammation in the body. Macronutrient wise it’s a fairly even split between carbs and unsaturated fats unlike most other fruits. Flavor wise it’s even better!

    Açaí’s impact on anxiety

    Acai berries are great sources of antioxidants to decrease inflammation in the body. This could aid with anxiety and memory benefits.

    Life is full of stressors that can start to take a toll on your body if not careful. In addition to other stress management and counseling strategies, a proper diet can play a big role. The study referenced here was done on rats which is always needed to be interpreted with a grain of salt but some takeaways can still be had. In general rats are physiologically fairly similar to humans and a lot easier to control for study purposes.

    In this study they purposefully put mice in some anxiety inducing situations to see how they respond. When compared to other mice eating a “typical” diet, those with acai were more calm and less anxious. More research naturally needs to be done but if this could help reduce some medication needs for some individuals down the road the research will be worthwhile. Something to keep an eye out for.

    Inflammation and memory benefits with açaí

    Situations of high stress, either physical or psychological, the added antioxidants of acai berries would be very beneficial. Increased inflammation impacts just about every aspect of the body from head to toe. Helping the body combat this with proper sleep, hydration and nutrient rich foods are critical.

    As we learn more about various mental/memory illnesses, inflammation is a factor that continues to come up. While this referenced study is on rats, the principles/concepts are applicable. Unfortunately, when most people get older, the quality of their diet seems to decrease a little bit as well. Absolutely no judgement but it is something to be mindful of and makes someone wonder if a few more antioxidant rich items could help decrease some of those common memory risks.

    Adding açaí into your diet

    The nutrient profile of acai makes it very unique due to the fat content. While not quite to the level of avocados, it’s still noticeably higher in fat. Due to that, acai may not be the best pre-workout for everyone but could be great post-workout or the rest of the day. With a balanced macro-breakdown this can help to keep glucose levels stable and avoid spikes and crashes.

    Acai berries are great sources of antioxidants to decrease inflammation in the body. This could aid with anxiety and memory benefits.

    Making some smoothies with acai thrown in is a great way to add some into your diet. My personal favorite though is going back to the way it was introduced to me in Hawaii. Acai bowls are heaven in a bowl! You can add various toppings such as other fruits, nuts, peanut butter, some honey, dark chocolate or whatever your heart desires. Adding in some of those additional antioxidant rich foods can make this treat even more beneficial. I encourage you to check out your local grocery store to see if they have any (frozen section may be your best bet) and give it a try!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Caffeine being marketed for increased fat loss. Beware the hype!

    Caffeine is one of the most used supplements out there. Partially due to how abundantly available it is. You have coffee, sodas, energy drinks, tea and many other items are infusing it as well. From a marketing perspective, it is sometimes presented as a fat burner. With many wanting to improve their body comp, this is a very attractive thing for many people. Due to that attraction, naturally marketing companies have jumped on it. Many supplements and other items claim that as a benefit of their product due to the addition of caffeine. These claims are likely a little bit skewed and blown out of proportion.

    Caffeine impact on fat

    Caffeine is one of the most widely studied supplements/ingredients out there. Amongst these studies there are a lot that analyzed its impact on fat utilization and in short, there isn’t much. While there is a slight increase in the body pulling fat for energy after caffeine, it’s not in a large amount. Certainly, nowhere near as much as the claims may try to make you believe.

    Caffeine marketing claims tout increased fat loss benefits. These claims are a little over stated and you should be cautious.

    Situations where the increase in fat utilization were most present were when at rest/lower intensity activities and in less trained individuals. For athletes and those who have been exercising for a long time, don’t look to caffeine for a magic pill. Again, there may be a small benefit but it will be incredibly minimal. The real benefit would be in its impact on performance. A benefit which doesn’t come from the increased fat usage to preserve glycogen stores.

    Caffeine impact on performance

    Where caffeine really shines is the benefit it can have on performance when used properly. This benefit is caffeine’s ability to decrease the feeling of fatigue during physical activity. There are certain receptors on the brain called adenosine receptors. These receptors typically receive messages from the body to slow down and hit the brakes through a compound in the body called adenosine.

    If adenosine cannot get to those receptors, the message to slow down doesn’t get to the brain. Just like if you are on the phone with someone and another person tries to call, they cannot get through. Without a stop sign being put up, the body is able to push itself harder and perform more/better.

    When used appropriately for this manner, caffeine can be beneficial. I recommend though using natural sources of caffeine and limiting things like energy drinks and pre-workout supplements. Coffee is my go-to but make sure it sits well for you and try it out during a practice first.

    Warnings of fat loss claims

    As we discussed, caffeine has a lot of benefits but fat loss isn’t one of them. Many supplements out their try to make this claim and if you see it that should be a red flag. They are targeting to an audience looking for a quick fix to achieve a goal many desire. These are the most common types of supplements which end up containing banned ingredients. For an athlete, at best this can mean disqualification from some competition. At worst, could result in serious health consequences.

    Appropriate strategies for fat loss

    Like most things in life, there isn’t a magic trick to achieve those results. It takes effort, consistency and everyone’s favorite P-word….patience. It all begins with making sure your portion sizes of meals/snacks are appropriate. They should contain a good protein source at each meal and snack and getting good sleep are all major factors. Throw in some exercise and you’ve got a recipe for success right there. It’s nothing crazy and it’s not supposed to be! Getting into a routine to maintain consistency is the real challenge but is very doable. Just don’t expect caffeine or any other stimulant to be a short-cut.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Hydration with water is great but not always best

    Hydration plays a huge role in every aspect of our lives from performance to general wellbeing. Performance wise the results can be a bit more noticeable and apparent with more immediate feedback. Knowing hydration is important is one thing but practicing proper hydration is another. Grabbing another glass of water is usually the most common action taken but may not always be the best.

    Water’s hydration benefits

    Water is very important and can certainly help with hydration but it isn't always best. Sometimes a little extra is needed.

    Don’t misunderstand, water is still great and should always be on hand! Drinking water throughout the day is a lot more effective at maintaining hydration than trying to chug a whole day’s worth in one hour. Properly drinking water will help you stay energized, aid digestion, improve concentration and help avoid nagging headaches. Spreading it out throughout the day also helps to properly absorb it to ensure it’s being utilized and not just peed out. Situations where quick rehydration is needed or when already dehydrated, other options are likely better.

    Upgrade your hydration from just water

    A couple little tweaks/additions to your water could really help improve hydration effects of your drink. Drinking the proper amount of fluid is the first step, but to get that water from your gut into your body/blood it needs a little help. Electrolytes, carbs and protein help serve as transporters to bring that fluid in. Having those things in your beverage speeds up the rate of getting fluid into the body before it is excreted.

    That is why sports drinks are called “sports” drinks because they help hydrate in those situations where it’s needed most. Athletes and really anyone who exercises, loses a lot of fluid in sweat that needs to be replaced. Incorporating electrolytes and sports drinks at the appropriate times can be key for optimizing performance and decreasing injury risk.

    When is each beverage best to have?

    Water is always number one. That should be on hand by your side every day always. Certain times though do call for increased hydration needs and importance. If in a situation of having two training sessions or two games in a single day, added electrolytes are 100% necessary. You need to rehydrate the fluid that was lost in the first session/game to go into the second one hydrated.

    Training in very hot environments or having very tough/long sessions also warrant an increased focus on electrolytes. There is a lot of sweat that has been lost in those moments that need to be replaced. Maintaining more consistent hydration helps to ensure optimal performance can be achieved, soft tissue injury risk is decreased and that the immune system is able to remain strong as well. All of these things help to ensure getting the most out of training sessions and also staying healthy enough to stay on the field.

    Hydration recommendations

    Overall fluid intake is still the priority. Aim to drink at least half of your body weight (pounds) in ounces of fluid each day. For example, a 160 pound athlete should be drinking at least 80oz of fluid daily.

    As for specific types of things to drink, I’m a big fan of The Right Stuff and LMNT for increased electrolyte consumption. The sodium concentration in these are very high and great for heavy sweaters or situations where rapid hydration is needed. They’re great in hot environments too as discussed earlier.

    Some carb containing traditional sports drinks like PowerAde and Gatorade are helpful when additional carbs are needed. Situations such as during games, higher intensity training sessions or when back-to-back games are played and overall energy needs are higher. These shouldn’t be consumed casually throughout the entire day though.

    Going back to the initial point, drinking enough in general is the key starting point. Get yourself a nice water bottle and keep that next to you each day. Then if needing to top off your hydration, keep a packet of some of those electrolytes handy to throw in that bottle too. Always have to be prepared!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Rest days are important, but when should they be?

    Taking rest day is incredibly important. Rest days are when the body is able to fully repair and strengthen itself from the work you put it through. Unfortunately rest days are sometimes viewed as unnecessary. The mindset of ‘if I’m not training, I’m not improving’ is very common and very strong. What needs to be understood is that a rest day doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a completely “off” day.

    What is a rest day?

    Having a proper rest day is incredibly important. There are a few things to consider though when deciding when to have one.

    A rest day can mean different things to different people/teams. Regardless the specifics of what it is, the goal is the same which is to let the body recover. Proper recovery ensures the body is strong and able to continue training and push harder the next day. Usually, these days involve things such as foam rolling, massage, yoga, mobility movements/stretches and very low impact activities. It isn’t a day to be viewed as sitting around doing nothing. The intensity is low but the intent of the activities themselves is still high.

    Best time for a rest day

    That is a million dollar question right there as there are a lot of variables to consider. The psychological piece is major for a team as you want to ensure after a match that time to decompress is provided. Playing at such a high intensity takes a lot out of you and a lot of recovery needs to take place. But whether that recovery is a full rest day or a lighter training session the next day is the big question. A recent study reviewing rest day scheduling habits of various top soccer clubs throughout the world shows having a rest day two days after a match may be the way to go.

    Recovery timeline impact on injuries

    Having a rest day two days after a match showed significant decreases in injury amongst the players. The situations specifically where this was noted when time between matches was 3 or 7 days. Part of this could be that it helps keep training loads of starters and substitution players equal. The day after a match, starters can have a lighter active recovery day while the subs could have a heavier workload to still get the work in they need. Maintaining that proper balance of total work ensures they are staying fit as well. Being more fit naturally decreases injury risk as was shown in the data collected.

    Rest day considerations

    While that second day appears to be more often than not the way to go, always keep an open mind. Evaluate all the different aspects before locking in the decision. Consider how you and/or the other players are feeling psychologically and what other events may be going on at the same time as well. The main thing though is to ensure that the proper training loads are being achieved while recovery opportunities are still available as well. Maintaining fitness helps minimize injury risk and so too does that rest. Just make sure on those rest days that nutrition and hydration are still being prioritized as well!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Weight loss claims for benefits of capsaicin (hot peppers)

    Weight loss is a big topic year-round but even more so come holidays and the new year. Resolutions being made and everyone wanting to start off strong means an attractive time for marketing companies. Don’t fall for some of those claims and advertisements floating around. This study touting capsaicin is a good example.

    What is capsaicin?

    Capsaicin is a compound found in peppers. More specifically, it’s part of what makes peppers so hot. Studies have been coming out about the potential impact that capsaicin can have on overall appetite. Personally, if something is too spicy I would eat less of it too! Theoretically it makes sense due to that type of thought process. Turns out though that there is also a lot of neurological impacts coming from capsaicin that could be playing a role.

    Beware marketing claims of capsaicin helping weight loss

    Neurological impact potential of capsaicin

    Neurological can be a big confusion word. In this sense it simply is referring to how different parts of the body communicate with each other. Strengthened neurological connections can help the stomach and brain talk with each other. Like most things in life, better communication rarely is a bad thing and can help tell the brain when enough has been eaten and to stop. Results from a few studies show a potential benefit of capsaicin strengthening those lines of communication. In particular it is being targeted as a way to help relieve cramps a lot here of late.

    Impact on energy expenditure

    Another area being looked at is potential increase in indirect energy expenditure. There are two types of fat in the body referred to as white and brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue help contribute to keeping our body warm and does this by burning more energy. Because of that brown adipose tissue is thought to be beneficial and certainly preferred over white adipose tissue. Capsaicin has a handful of studies showing it may help increase the body’s preference to brown adipose tissue. Combine all of these things and capsaicin is sounding pretty nice!

    What’s the catch?

    The actual amount of impact all of these things have is incredibly marginal. While these benefits may occur, it doesn’t mean noticeable changes will actually occur as touted. The total number of studies is also small and many done on rats. Those pieces of information though aren’t going to be advertised as much by supplement companies selling the capsaicin. Strategies like this are all too common amongst weight loss supplements. Next time you see those you now know to be very cautious. So please don’t fall for them!

    Going for a short walk daily will have significantly more benefit than taking some capsaicin. Walking and reducing calories may not seem as ‘sexy’ or potentially as simple as taking a pill but those are the keys if weight loss is the goal. Adequate movement and eating properly is the foundation but consistency is the key. That also is where the challenges tend to pop up as it’s not a quick fix. Developing the strategies to help with that consistency is very important. If needing someone to assist with developing those I’m more than happy to help. But even if not wanting to work with me just please promise me you’ll think twice before falling for any of those supplement marketing tactics. 

    Study referenced: click here