Injuries are unfortunately part of what comes with sports and a common one is ACL injuries. Due to this, ACL recovery and injury prevention are key topics that need to be discussed in sport. Even for those who don’t classify themselves as an “athlete”, healthy ligaments are still very important. Nobody wants to deal with an injury or long recovery time so proper steps need to be taken.
ACL injury causes
Most ACL injuries occur in non-contact situations. Contact injuries are easy to see and understand what occurred but these are tougher to decipher. A main contributor seems to be in general a large training load being made without enough recovery time. Continuous training and small micro-tearing of the ACL continues to increase like muscles without rest. Poor day to day repair results in a bit of a ticking time-bomb waiting to go off.
ACL recovery starts with prevention
Managing those small tears after training sessions and other physical activity is key. Monitoring the overall training load and intensity that is done helps ensure the proper rest time is offered in response to it. Tougher and more intense sessions need more rest. Nothing ground breaking there but it just needs to be monitored to know when it should be done. Then it’s actually doing it!
Sometimes allowing yourself to take time off or having a lighter session is the toughest part. The feeling of needing to constantly push to stay above the competition is so strong. It’s just as much of a mental game that is played. But taking that time is a MUST to continue progressing. The most gains are actually gained on off days.
Capitalizing on that prevention then is getting enough sleep. Proper sleep decreases the overall stress levels in the body. Stress doesn’t help anything but in particular it can impact your body’s ability to produce the ligament building/strengthening hormones to maximize recovery.
Another major piece of the puzzle is collagen. Collagen is the main building block for tendons and ligaments. Just like you have protein to help build and repair muscles, collagen works in the same manner for tendons and ligaments. To get the most out of the collagen though you want to make sure that it contains some vitamin C. That helps the body to absorb it more effectively to actually work its magic.
ACL recovery timeline
Tendon and ligament injuries tend to take a bit longer to recover from. These areas typically get less blood flow to them which is a major reason for that delayed timeline. Blood is responsible to delivering those great nutrients and the collagen being consumed to the area. Incorporating some knee specific movement when able is important for this right here. That physical movement increases blood flow to the specific area to help aid nutrient delivery.
ACL recovery strategies
Finding a quality collagen is a big step and as noted previously it should have vitamin C within it. Two products that I typically recommend are Klean and Vital Proteins. Both of them are third party tested and have vitamin C within their products.
Once those are acquired, taking them at the proper time is the next piece of the puzzle. The goal is to time it up with any rehab or exercise to take advantage of the increased blood flow. Drinking ~15g of collagen with vitamin C 30-60 minutes beforehand is perfect. That gives time for it to be absorbed and then the physical movement will help get that to the areas in need.
Even after fully recovered and returned to full activity, continuing to take collagen can be helpful. It will maximize recovery between training sessions to help decrease the microtear buildup. As discussed earlier, recovery between sessions is very important and this will help maximize that. That combined with getting a lovely 8-10 hours of sleep each night and your ligaments are going to be feeling great!
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