Weight loss is a big topic year-round but even more so come holidays and the new year. Resolutions being made and everyone wanting to start off strong means an attractive time for marketing companies. Don’t fall for some of those claims and advertisements floating around. This study touting capsaicin is a good example.
What is capsaicin?
Capsaicin is a compound found in peppers. More specifically, it’s part of what makes peppers so hot. Studies have been coming out about the potential impact that capsaicin can have on overall appetite. Personally, if something is too spicy I would eat less of it too! Theoretically it makes sense due to that type of thought process. Turns out though that there is also a lot of neurological impacts coming from capsaicin that could be playing a role.
Neurological impact potential of capsaicin
Neurological can be a big confusion word. In this sense it simply is referring to how different parts of the body communicate with each other. Strengthened neurological connections can help the stomach and brain talk with each other. Like most things in life, better communication rarely is a bad thing and can help tell the brain when enough has been eaten and to stop. Results from a few studies show a potential benefit of capsaicin strengthening those lines of communication. In particular it is being targeted as a way to help relieve cramps a lot here of late.
Impact on energy expenditure
Another area being looked at is potential increase in indirect energy expenditure. There are two types of fat in the body referred to as white and brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue help contribute to keeping our body warm and does this by burning more energy. Because of that brown adipose tissue is thought to be beneficial and certainly preferred over white adipose tissue. Capsaicin has a handful of studies showing it may help increase the body’s preference to brown adipose tissue. Combine all of these things and capsaicin is sounding pretty nice!
What’s the catch?
The actual amount of impact all of these things have is incredibly marginal. While these benefits may occur, it doesn’t mean noticeable changes will actually occur as touted. The total number of studies is also small and many done on rats. Those pieces of information though aren’t going to be advertised as much by supplement companies selling the capsaicin. Strategies like this are all too common amongst weight loss supplements. Next time you see those you now know to be very cautious. So please don’t fall for them!
Going for a short walk daily will have significantly more benefit than taking some capsaicin. Walking and reducing calories may not seem as ‘sexy’ or potentially as simple as taking a pill but those are the keys if weight loss is the goal. Adequate movement and eating properly is the foundation but consistency is the key. That also is where the challenges tend to pop up as it’s not a quick fix. Developing the strategies to help with that consistency is very important. If needing someone to assist with developing those I’m more than happy to help. But even if not wanting to work with me just please promise me you’ll think twice before falling for any of those supplement marketing tactics.
Study referenced: click here