Is erythritol better to use instead of sugar?
Most people these days are looking for ways to help reduce their added sugar intake. Food companies know this and are continuing to work on ways to provide that while still offering the sweetness many are looking for. This has resulted in a large increase in artificial sweetener use and thus consumption. There are a lot of different types out there with different levels of sweetness and effects on the body. Popularity of different sweeteners tend to come and go in waves but erythritol tends to stick around a bit more. While more research is always needed, we do see a few trends with erythritol.
What is erythritol?
Erythritol is a fairly popular sugar alternative and does provide some non-nutritive sweetness. After being consumed the majority of it goes unmetabolized and kicked back out in the urine. Seems like a simple concept of no calories yet still sweet tasting. Erythritol is found in foods naturally to an extent but the bulk erythritol you may see at the grocery store does require a little bit of processing to extract that. One of the big challenges in studying erythritol though is that the body produces it naturally as well. Increased consumption of glucose and/or fructose actually results in greater erythritol production within the body.
Some research looking at blood levels of erythritol then make it tough to tell if the effects are due to erythritol intake itself or just higher production from greater glucose/fructose intake. Controlling and accounting for actually dietary intake is a key piece of information not always available. If only nutrition research was easier! But some common items that contain this sugar substitute for examples include sweeteners Splenda and Truvia, gum and many “sugar free” baked goods/desserts.
Is it safe?
Some studies on other sweeteners with mice showed potential cancer inducing effects at very high dosages. With erythrol at least that doesn’t appear to occur. Definitely a positive even if it is still only in animals these tests are being done (understandably so I might add). Another common complication with sweeteners is the impact on the stomach. Too much can tend to cause nausea, gas or even diarrhea. Chalk another win up for erythritol as it appears to not contribute to those feelings as much. It’s important to emphasize though that the majority of the studies being done are in animals. As a result, make sure to take some of these results with a grain of salt.
Additional surprise benefits of erythritol
Erythritol is likely your dentist’s favorite sweetener! It has been shown to help improve oral health by slowing the development of dental caries. Metabolically there may be benefits as well in regards to helping maintain a steady glucose level. Glucose and energy spikes/crashes can occur when sugar is consumed in particularly by itself. Erythritol has shown to potentially lessen that glucose swing and help process that swing by slowing down the absorption of that sugar. Similar type of effect of when adding protein and fat to carbs to help stabilize glucose responses.
With the improved glucose response and potential to add a little bit of increased satiety, erythritol is not a magical weight loss ingredient. If used as a sugar substitute it can help with some caloric reduction. It’s the reduced calories that contribute to the weight loss, not anything crazy from the substitute itself.
Should you be having erythritol?
It is always a good idea to try and limit your sugar and sugar substitute intake as best you can. There is still so much that we don’t know about how artificial sweeteners can impact our body. With erythritol in particular a big challenge is differentiating the effects of consumed erythritol versus the amount the body is producing on its own. Higher levels of naturally produced erythritol can indicate problems are going on metabolically. Studies looking at its effect show correlations with higher blood levels of it for both positives and negatives but without looking at diet specifically it’s almost impossible to tell what is actually contributing to those results. While a little sweetener isn’t the end of the world, moderation like usual is still key.
Study referenced: click here