
  • Vitamin D possible impact on strength, speed and testosterone

    Vitamin D has gotten a lot of attention in the past few years. It seemingly has been the ‘cauliflower’ of the vitamin world being involved with almost everything. You have cauliflower rice, pizza, pretzels and everything else. Vitamin D is showing to have some impact on immune system, respiratory system, bone health, strength and much more. Latest research dives into the potential impact on physical performance and testosterone levels.

    What is vitamin D and optimal levels

    Vitamin D has been the flavor of the year for multiple years it seems! Now we are seeing if it can impact speed, strength and testosterone.

    As mentioned vitamin D is involved in a wide variety of functions we continue to learn more about. It is involved with calcium absorption for optimal bone health but that is the tip of the iceberg. Vitamin D receptors have begun to be found on muscle and now the trending question is what does that mean? This is where the currently study is looking at correlations between vitamin D levels and impact on performance and testosterone.

    The first question though is what is an optimal vitamin D level when getting a blood test? Sufficient levels are deemed to have a cutoff at ~30ng/ml. Situations that can increase the risk of being insufficient include if living in less sunny areas and/or spending increased time indoors also limiting that sun exposure. Indoor athletes such as basketball players and gymnasts tend to be at a greater risk of deficiency due to this. Those individuals need to be more mindful of consuming the proper food/supplements to keep those levels elevated.

    Sources of vitamin D

    The main natural sources of vitamin D comes from are fatty fish, egg yolks and sunshine. Unfortunately, many people don’t acquire enough of those foods or get enough sunshine. Especially depending on where you live it can impact access to that sun exposure, increasing the risk of deficiency. As a result, most of us tend to need to utilize a supplement to make up the difference. Vitamins fall into two categories of water-soluble and fat-soluble. This indicates the vitamin needing water or fat to be absorbed respectively. Vitamin D falls into that fat soluble category which means it should be consumed with a meal for optimal absorption.

    Study findings

    Having more data is never a bad thing and that is exactly what this study provides. While there isn’t any major discovery, we at least have a bigger sample size to pull from. The participants in this study were elite track and field athletes both male and female around 18 years old. Correlations were looked at between vitamin D levels with 20-30 meter sprints, jump performance and testosterone levels.

    Starting with the testosterone, this is a very early area of research with much more research needed and coming. This connection stems from vitamin D’s role in overall hormone production. Among these hormones, testosterone is included. There are a few studies that have found a correlation where improving vitamin D deficiency can help regain testosterone levels. Data shown in the referenced study does not appear to show a direct correlation though with higher vitamin D levels and higher testosterone levels.

    Vitamin D has been the flavor of the year for multiple years it seems! Now we are seeing if it can impact speed, strength and testosterone.

    Perhaps the performance tests will show some positive results! Unfortunately, this area also doesn’t have any major correlations found in males or females. Sprint speeds and strength of jumps were all fairly equal and seemingly not impacted by varying vitamin D levels. Improving performance in these areas still seems to be more dependent upon overall proper fueling and training. No super-secret ingredient in this one.

    What to take away from this

    While no specific correlations were found, there are a few things we can still take from this. The biggest thing from my perspective comes from the fact that on average most of the participants were already achieving sufficient levels of vitamin D. Many of the studies previously have shown that a lot of the benefits are noted when improving from insufficient levels. So, this helps to at least reinforce what can occur with sufficient levels. But just because something is sufficient, doesn’t mean it is optimal. Average levels in the study were in the 30s ng/ml but optimal levels may actually be closer to 50. Perhaps increasing these participants levels a bit higher could have resulted in more notable effects.

    Now for the action items! If you have never gotten your vitamin D levels checked, that is step one. If you don’t know where you’re starting from it’s tough to know where you need to go. After getting those levels though, if deficient I highly encourage working on getting those up right away. That can have significant benefits so don’t sleep on that. Upon receipt of the results and you find that you have sufficient but perhaps not quite optimal levels, focusing on some vitamin D rich foods and likely a supplement could be beneficial. Before just blindly taking a supplement though please make sure to check with someone first.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Is erythritol better to use instead of sugar?

    Most people these days are looking for ways to help reduce their added sugar intake. Food companies know this and are continuing to work on ways to provide that while still offering the sweetness many are looking for. This has resulted in a large increase in artificial sweetener use and thus consumption. There are a lot of different types out there with different levels of sweetness and effects on the body. Popularity of different sweeteners tend to come and go in waves but erythritol tends to stick around a bit more. While more research is always needed, we do see a few trends with erythritol.

    What is erythritol?

    Erythritol is a fairly popular sugar alternative and does provide some non-nutritive sweetness. After being consumed the majority of it goes unmetabolized and kicked back out in the urine. Seems like a simple concept of no calories yet still sweet tasting. Erythritol is found in foods naturally to an extent but the bulk erythritol you may see at the grocery store does require a little bit of processing to extract that. One of the big challenges in studying erythritol though is that the body produces it naturally as well. Increased consumption of glucose and/or fructose actually results in greater erythritol production within the body.

    Sugar substitutes are a love/hate topic in general. Erythritol is one of those that may be ok to have some of but moderation is still key.

    Some research looking at blood levels of erythritol then make it tough to tell if the effects are due to erythritol intake itself or just higher production from greater glucose/fructose intake. Controlling and accounting for actually dietary intake is a key piece of information not always available. If only nutrition research was easier! But some common items that contain this sugar substitute for examples include sweeteners Splenda and Truvia, gum and many “sugar free” baked goods/desserts.

    Is it safe?

    Some studies on other sweeteners with mice showed potential cancer inducing effects at very high dosages. With erythrol at least that doesn’t appear to occur. Definitely a positive even if it is still only in animals these tests are being done (understandably so I might add). Another common complication with sweeteners is the impact on the stomach. Too much can tend to cause nausea, gas or even diarrhea. Chalk another win up for erythritol as it appears to not contribute to those feelings as much. It’s important to emphasize though that the majority of the studies being done are in animals. As a result, make sure to take some of these results with a grain of salt.

    Additional surprise benefits of erythritol

    Erythritol is likely your dentist’s favorite sweetener! It has been shown to help improve oral health by slowing the development of dental caries. Metabolically there may be benefits as well in regards to helping maintain a steady glucose level. Glucose and energy spikes/crashes can occur when sugar is consumed in particularly by itself. Erythritol has shown to potentially lessen that glucose swing and help process that swing by slowing down the absorption of that sugar. Similar type of effect of when adding protein and fat to carbs to help stabilize glucose responses.

    With the improved glucose response and potential to add a little bit of increased satiety, erythritol is not a magical weight loss ingredient. If used as a sugar substitute it can help with some caloric reduction. It’s the reduced calories that contribute to the weight loss, not anything crazy from the substitute itself.

    Should you be having erythritol?

    It is always a good idea to try and limit your sugar and sugar substitute intake as best you can. There is still so much that we don’t know about how artificial sweeteners can impact our body. With erythritol in particular a big challenge is differentiating the effects of consumed erythritol versus the amount the body is producing on its own. Higher levels of naturally produced erythritol can indicate problems are going on metabolically. Studies looking at its effect show correlations with higher blood levels of it for both positives and negatives but without looking at diet specifically it’s almost impossible to tell what is actually contributing to those results. While a little sweetener isn’t the end of the world, moderation like usual is still key.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Creatine effects on weight gain and water retention

    Along with caffeine, creatine is one of the most researched supplements of all time. When people first hear creatine though they automatically thing of huge muscular individuals. While it can help to build muscle, it isn’t magically going to turn you into the hulk. It has a lot of benefits to improve performance and overall health but some negatives linger surrounding it. The main one is weight gain. While this mostly comes from water retention, it’s still something to be mindful of.

    What exactly is creatine

    To put it simply, creatine is a very quick source of energy. During physical activity the body uses up a lot of energy, especially at higher intensities. Creatine is able to help replenish those energy stores in a very quick and efficient manner. Unlike some claims out there may try to say creatine is absolutely nothing like steroids. It is one of the most studied supplements out there and has been shown to be incredibly safe. Benefits of creatine surpass what is just discussed here in this article. But for now, let’s dive into the impact on muscle and potential water retention.

    Creatine impact on muscle

    Just taking creatine by itself doesn’t necessarily guarantee building muscle. As mentioned previously, it’s that increase in energy which is what allows for those gains. With quick energy replenishment it can allow for an extra rep and an extra set during workouts. Over time those extra reps add up resulting in greater adaptations and muscle/strength gains. There are a few studies showing potential of creatine on its own to stimulate some muscle building but as of now there isn’t enough to rely solely on that. If wanting to build strength and muscle, there’s no escaping putting in the work in the gym!

    Potential water retention

    Water retention and the resulting weight gain has been one of the biggest complaints of creatine. If only looking at the scale the weight gain can be pretty intimidating and off-putting. This is not fat gain though so that concern can be erased. A relatively quick weight gain from water though can be a negative in sports though. Increasing the weight that one now has to carry while performing has potential to result in a little bit earlier fatigue. The added workload can also potentially increase the risk of cramps popping up if training volume remains consistent. Short term cramps and fatigue in certain situations is not a common thing though! Proper dosage strategies can also help reduce, if not eliminate, the risk of this.

    Optimal creatine usage strategy

    Majority of water retention situations occur when “loading phases” of creatine takes place. This is when larger dosages of creatine is consumed to get the body’s levels up quicker. Like always, patience is a great virtue and can offset these effects. By taking a typically lower dose of just 5 grams per day, this weight gain typically doesn’t occur. The lower dosage dose take a bit longer then for the creatine levels in the body to increase but those levels do get up to the same level. Unless you have a good reason for being in a rush, slow and steady is the way to go.

    Creatine has a ton of benefits but sometimes gets overshadowed by claims of negatives regarding weight gain and water retention.

    Key takeaways

    Creatine is one supplement that I would recommend to just about everyone. Especially for athletes creatine has too much research behind it to ignore. On the opposite hand the negatives are incredibly minimal. With water retention being the main one, as discussed previously even that can be reduced. In a perfect world creatine would be something to begin taking during the offseason to give the body time to adapt. After that, 5g per day every day moving forward will help maintain those levels in the body. Keep that up and your body as well as your performance will be thanking you.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Breaking down energy drinks and their safety

    Between their bright colors, crazy TV commercials and social media influencers, energy drinks are everywhere. Not only are they just around but they are pushed and marketed a lot! This constant exposure can begin to leave feelings of false comfort and safety though. I fell for this myself firsthand in college cramming for exams. Those 5-hour energy shots were something that I kept in my bad all finals week. In hindsight now I know why I was feeling jittery and my heart felt “off” during that time. Add these types of things to physical activity and energy drinks can be even a potentially dangerous thing. Always stay mindful and cautious about what you put in your body.

    Caffeine content

    I’m going to estimate that 90% of the benefits that energy drinks may provide comes from caffeine. That is why every single one of the top 75 selling drinks out there contain it. The remaining 10% benefit is from the hydration of the fluid itself. Now please don’t quote me on those numbers, I’m just making a point. Caffeine is one of the most studied supplements in the world and that is not an exaggeration. What’s important though is being mindful of how much you are consuming. As mentioned below this can become a bit of a safety issue in the energy drink world. The main takeaway here though is to don’t let a marketing trick try to convince you there’s something uniquely special about their drink that will help you. Odds are very high it’s just the caffeine doing the heavy lifting.

    Energy drinks mystery ingredients

    Within energy drinks tends to be a hefty mix of additional ingredients. Some of the popular ones include taurine, guarana, carnitine and other vitamins. Individually studied these ingredients may have some justification for potential benefits. Everything combined into one thing is where some confusion sets in. We know very little about how this ingredient smoothy within energy drinks all works together. While energy drinks have become fairly common and fortunately the majority of people consuming it are fine, it is still a bit of a question mark. I’m a bigger fan of recommending a simple coffee where you know what you’re getting. The only added ingredients are perhaps some milk or sugar. Unless it’s a Starbucks order that 13 words long but that’s a different discussion!

    Energy drinks safety

    Energy drinks have a lot of marketing behind them and are everywhere you turn. Being abundantly available though doesn't mean they're safe.

    Nutrition Facts Panel on food labels are not always required to list caffeine as it is technically not a nutrient. Some energy drinks sell themselves as sodas and sports drinks falling into that category. As a result, they don’t have to disclose how much caffeine in actually in their product. To add to that, some may list caffeine but put it under a “proprietary blend” so that they still can avoid listing specifically how much caffeine and every other ingredient in that blend is within it. That is terrifying! In additional to that it’s always a good idea for kids and pregnant individuals to avoid these. Unfortunately, marketing does a great job of targeting adolescents. Stay mindful and help steer them away and towards safer beverages like water or even Gatorade.

    Better alternatives

    Most people are reaching for energy drinks for just that, energy. There are so many better ways to boost your energy in a safer and cheaper manner! Right away the biggest thing is sleep. If you are getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night that is a big factor. Coming in right beside that is hydration. If you’re dehydrated your heart is going to be working harder and beating quicker. This is going to cause you to feel tired and fatigue quicker. It’s a similar thing to when exercising and your heart beats quicker when sprinting you can’t go as long. Another simple energy booster is having a snack! Every feels better with a snack on hand for a pick me up. These three things will have you feeling better and not grabbing those energy drinks.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Impact of arginine and citrulline on athletic performance

    There’s no sleep for the supplement industry. Arginine and citrulline are relatively popular one’s touted for improving athletic performance. The evidence unfortunately isn’t entirely there to back those claims up. Logically though the potential is there. Yes, I’m saying there’s a chance! Let’s dig into this a bit to see what’s there.

    What is arginine and citrulline?

    Arginine and citrulline are amino acids that aid nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels to allow better blood flow and oxygen delivery. In the world of sports (and life in general) having adequate oxygen is a very good thing! Having enough oxygen ensure muscles are able to continue contracting and doing everything asked of them. That enhanced blood flow also allows for easier deliver of nutrients to muscles which can aid recovery. One the other end as well it also helps increase efficiency in removing any byproducts that the body needs to clear out. More of the “good” stuff and less of the “bad” stuff.

    Supplements arginine and citrulline are touted for improving athletic performance. The research may not necessarily back that up.

    Sources of arginine and citrulline

    The most effective manner to get arginine and citrulline is through supplementation. It’s not that they aren’t in foods but that the amounts needed are greater than would likely be achieved through food. Both are still helpful for an overall well-rounded diet though. Food wise, arginine can be found in meat, nuts/seeds, dairy and whole grains. Citrulline is found most abundantly in watermelon but also in cantaloupe and cucumbers. All of these foods you likely are already consuming but now have an added reason to continue doing so!

    Impact on performance

    The potential to help increase delivery of oxygen to muscles helps in many ways as mentioned previously. Increasing oxygen availability also allows for more efficient metabolism of nutrients for energy production. This means less lactic acid would be produced and in theory allow for better endurance. Studies looking into these improvements though aren’t conclusive. Most are showing no benefit from arginine and citrulline but also not showing detriments. Right now, the most positive findings appear to be in citrulline taken as 6g of citrulline malate for at least two weeks for possible results.

    Alternative options

    Similar types of effects have been shown in beet juice consumption. Beets are able to provide nitrates directly and thus increase that blood flow more effectively. While there may be other possible pathways that arginine and citrulline could have an impact, beets are the best bet for nitrates and oxygen delivery. Another benefit of beets is that you are able to take it as it is via food or juice. No having to worry about contaminated supplements when opting for food!

    Is it worth it?

    Right now, I would say in short…no. Your money would be better spent elsewhere such as your grocery bill for quality food. That’s not to say more studies may not come out in the future and make me eat my words. As of right now though there isn’t enough evidence to say it’s worth it. Having some beet juice and a bit of watermelon before games would be my recommendation.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Supplements and their big impact on an athlete’s gut

    You can find supplements for just about anything if you look hard enough. Not all of them though live up to their marketing hype. One area of interest is in helping athletes avoid stomach and other GI (gastrointestinal) issues. For individuals who push their bodies to the extreme, it puts a lot of strain on the body. This includes straining the gut and can cause some unwanted side effects. Typically, this can result in some hurried trips to the bathroom, nausea and burping. None of which are very pleasant experiences. As a result, some supplements have started to claim the ability to help those symptoms. Sadly, many of them aren’t quite all that they claim to be.

    Supplements that may be helpful

    Supplements can be found for everything and they can be impactful both positively and negatively on an athlete's gut.

    Anytime that the gut is involved probiotics tend to make an appearance. In this situation they are a welcome addition though. With so many different types of probiotics it’s important to make sure you are taking the right ones. There is a lot to still be learned but the most beneficial strains are likely to be Biffidobacterium- and Lactobacillus-based species.

    Glutamine is another supplement that in theory could help. Studied individually glutamine is involved with helping keep the gut lining tightly bound. This prevents any inflammatory items from getting into the body. While in theory this is great, be careful if trying it out. It is about a 50-50 chance that it could actually cause some negative GI effects on its own. Ginger is another supplement that can have some benefits. It is generally used to help reduce and relieve feelings of nausea. This is why most cruises will have ginger candies on board! Be careful with this as well though as sometimes the flavor doesn’t sit well and can also cause issues.

    Supplements that could wreck your gut

    It may come as a surprise but carbohydrates is a common one. Carbs are beneficial as a quick source of energy but it needs to be with the proper types and amounts. Too much carbohydrate can upset the stomach due to flooding the system with more than the gut can absorb. Consuming a mixture of different carbs that provides both glucose and fructose can help. Those two use two different transports to be absorb and ease the burden on the stomach. This is a great example again of why more isn’t always better for certain things.

    Caffeine is one of the most studied and proven performance enhancers out there. Too much though can have a negative effect (notice a trend). Just like too much coffee itself can cause you to have to go to the bathroom, too much caffeine via other means as well can have a similar effect. Try limiting yourself to ~2 cups of coffee to avoid overdoing it while still getting the caffeine benefits. Sodium bicarbonate has also been shown to be beneficial with helping high intensity activities and muscular endurance. The reason many don’t use it though is because it can be easy to take too much and if that happens, you’re in for a rough ride. A very small amount is all that is needed to get the benefits so when scooping it be very careful. GI issues (most commonly diarrhea) can occur within about just an hour give or take.

    Remember safety first

    Like with all supplements you want to be very cautious with where you are getting them and the brands that you are selecting. Especially if you are an athlete getting drug tested! The two main logos to look for on a product to show it’s been tested are NSF Certified and Informed Choice Sport. While this doesn’t 100% guarantee anything it certainly helps provide a safety net.

    Key takeaways

    It goes back to rule number one, no new foods/supplements on game days! All of the items listed here do have benefits when used in the proper manner. It’s important to test things out during practice to ensure you know how to properly use them. There is also a lot of individualization with everything regarding how someone responds to it. What works great for one person could send another running to the bathroom. So make sure you are testing this in practice first to avoid any unwanted surprises during the game.

    If looking to help provide a little extra protection for your gut though, probiotics as of now seem to be the way to go. As mentioned earlier the strains you will want to look for are Biffidobacterium- and Lactobacillus-based species. While there is lots of research needed to be done across the board, those seem to have the most promise. 

    Study referenced: click here


  • Supplemental ketones impact on performance in rugby players

    Ketones are generally associated with ketogenic diets. These diets are very low in carbohydrates and are set up to have the body run primarily on fat as its fuel source. Running on fat results in the production of ketones as part of the process. Ketones have been found to provide a wide variety of potential benefits and has gained a lot of attention as a result. Now there are even supplements to help in theory provide those benefits without needing to follow a low carb diet itself. Always looking for an edge, athletes are getting curious as well to see its potential impact on performance.

    What are ketones used for

    One of the biggest misunderstandings with ketones is their impact on fat loss. While ketones are produced in greater amounts in low carb diets when the body is burning more fat, ketones themselves do not directly cause greater fat loss. Some people take ketones in hopes of improved body comp through increased fat loss but are typically left disappointed. Put simply, ketones primarily serve as an additional energy source for the body to use. While the body is utilizing those though, it impacts the metabolism and utilization of other nutrients.

    Impact on carbs, fat and lactate

    Carbs and fat are generally the two primary sources of energy that the body pulls from. During more intense exercise/activities, carbs become increasingly relied upon for that energy. That carb utilization during intense situations is also what produces lactate in the body. If too much lactate is produced and/or too much carbohydrate and it’s stored form glycogen are used, fatigue starts to set in. Preserving that carb/glycogen usage is an area of great interest due to the potential to theoretically allow for longer duration of training and greater performance.

    Ketones may have the potential to do just that. When the body is prioritizing ketones for energy, that means those glycogen stores are able to be preserved. That extra fuel tank could then be available for later in the game/competition to use while the opponents may be getting more fatigued. Ketones are also able to provide energy in a manner that doesn’t produce lactate. These two things are the main areas of interest for ketones during physical activity. While it sounds great in theory, does it actually translate to performance? 

    Performance effects with ketones

    In a recent study, professional rugby players but that to the test. Rugby is a sport that has a strong endurance/cardio component as well as intervals of high intensity anaerobic activities. They compared performance in a rugby style simulation when consuming a carbohydrate beverage versus a ketone beverage of equal calories. For 15-meter sprints and explosive strength tests, there wasn’t any noticeable difference between the two groups. Differences were noticed though with intermittent repeat drills of high intensity lasting ~15 seconds in total each time. Those with the ketone supplement completed the drill a split second quicker (15.53 vs. 15.86 seconds) on average. While a split second may not seem like a lot, at an elite level it can have a significant impact. Because of that, ketones are an area to continue keeping an eye on.

    Ketones used to be only available by ketogenic diets but now can be supplemented and may benefit performance shown recently in rugby players.

    If and when to try ketones

    Rule number one is no new foods/supplements on game day! You always want to test new things during practice and off days. Doing so allows for you to see how your body reacts without risking a poor performance during competition. Some people do experience upset stomachs when taking ketones so you will want to make sure you don’t fall into that category yourself. You know your body better than anyone so listen to it and see how you feel and respond. As with all supplements though, especially if an athlete who gets random performance drug tests, make sure it’s a third party tested product. If unsure please don’t hesitate to reach out to me as I’m more than happy to help check for you.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Your vitamin D levels could be impacted by your weight

    The popularity of vitamin D has skyrocketed here the past year or so! Justifiably so as well due to how many benefits it appears able to provide. This popularity times up with a lot of research that has been coming out on vitamin D touting those benefits. Similar to how cauliflower appears to be able to become just about anything, vitamin D is able to be involved in seemingly everything. Having so much potential benefit it’s important to ensure adequate amounts are being consumed. The tricky part though is that not everyone is as responsive to the same amount of intake.

    Benefits of vitamin D

    There is a whole list of benefits able to be provided but I want to highlight a few of the main ones. One of the original benefits noted comes from vitamin D’s ability to aid calcium absorption. As a result, there is a big role being played in keeping bones strong and decreasing risk of fractures. Growing numbers of studies are also showing the benefits on muscles themselves. Vitamin D can help to ensure proper muscle contraction which is obviously very important for athletes as well as regular daily functions. It also helps with overall muscle soreness. Those with insufficient levels tend to report increased soreness and worse recovery after workouts and day to day. Nobody enjoys being sore!

    An additional area that vitamin D can play a major role in is with the immune system. It is essential at keeping the system by aiding the production of proteins in the body that can help fight off inflammation and other problems. A lot of attention was getting drawn to vitamin D especially when COVID was at its peak. For athletes, a strong immune system ensures not missing any playing time due to being sick. For the rest of us it means we are able to feel good more frequently and not be slowed down. Just like with soreness, nobody likes being sick!

    Sources of vitamin D

    Vitamin D provides a lot of great benefits for the body. How much someone weighs could impact the body's ability to absorb it though.

    Now that we know the benefits, we want to make sure that we are getting enough to receive all of the benefits. There aren’t a ton of food sources necessarily as many products need to be fortified with vitamin D but here are some of the top items:

    • Fatty fish
    • Egg yolks
    • Fortified cereal
    • Fortified milk/dairy
    • Fortified orange juice

    Outside of food sources though, the sun is a main provider. This is why those who live further away from the equator tend to have lower levels. Individuals who spend more time indoors also run into the same problem. You want to be mindful of how much sun exposure you do get to avoid potential harm from that but a little bit each day is wonderful.

    How does weight play a role?

    A new interesting correlation has started to arise revolving around one’s weight and vitamin D levels. It appears that heavier individuals may have a tough time absorbing vitamin D and getting their levels to increase. As a result, extra attention needs to be placed to avoid deficiency. For larger individuals, supplementation should be considered at a higher dose to help increase those levels appropriately. Extra supplementation is a lot safer than extra sun.

    Regardless of one’s weight though, regular testing is highly recommended and incredibly beneficial. Without knowing where the starting point is it’s tough to know what actions should be taken. Generally speaking, most individuals can benefit from a quality vitamin D supplement. But again, the specific dosage will depend on one’s starting level and now perhaps on their weight as well. 

    Study referenced: click here


  • Caffeine being marketed for increased fat loss. Beware the hype!

    Caffeine is one of the most used supplements out there. Partially due to how abundantly available it is. You have coffee, sodas, energy drinks, tea and many other items are infusing it as well. From a marketing perspective, it is sometimes presented as a fat burner. With many wanting to improve their body comp, this is a very attractive thing for many people. Due to that attraction, naturally marketing companies have jumped on it. Many supplements and other items claim that as a benefit of their product due to the addition of caffeine. These claims are likely a little bit skewed and blown out of proportion.

    Caffeine impact on fat

    Caffeine is one of the most widely studied supplements/ingredients out there. Amongst these studies there are a lot that analyzed its impact on fat utilization and in short, there isn’t much. While there is a slight increase in the body pulling fat for energy after caffeine, it’s not in a large amount. Certainly, nowhere near as much as the claims may try to make you believe.

    Caffeine marketing claims tout increased fat loss benefits. These claims are a little over stated and you should be cautious.

    Situations where the increase in fat utilization were most present were when at rest/lower intensity activities and in less trained individuals. For athletes and those who have been exercising for a long time, don’t look to caffeine for a magic pill. Again, there may be a small benefit but it will be incredibly minimal. The real benefit would be in its impact on performance. A benefit which doesn’t come from the increased fat usage to preserve glycogen stores.

    Caffeine impact on performance

    Where caffeine really shines is the benefit it can have on performance when used properly. This benefit is caffeine’s ability to decrease the feeling of fatigue during physical activity. There are certain receptors on the brain called adenosine receptors. These receptors typically receive messages from the body to slow down and hit the brakes through a compound in the body called adenosine.

    If adenosine cannot get to those receptors, the message to slow down doesn’t get to the brain. Just like if you are on the phone with someone and another person tries to call, they cannot get through. Without a stop sign being put up, the body is able to push itself harder and perform more/better.

    When used appropriately for this manner, caffeine can be beneficial. I recommend though using natural sources of caffeine and limiting things like energy drinks and pre-workout supplements. Coffee is my go-to but make sure it sits well for you and try it out during a practice first.

    Warnings of fat loss claims

    As we discussed, caffeine has a lot of benefits but fat loss isn’t one of them. Many supplements out their try to make this claim and if you see it that should be a red flag. They are targeting to an audience looking for a quick fix to achieve a goal many desire. These are the most common types of supplements which end up containing banned ingredients. For an athlete, at best this can mean disqualification from some competition. At worst, could result in serious health consequences.

    Appropriate strategies for fat loss

    Like most things in life, there isn’t a magic trick to achieve those results. It takes effort, consistency and everyone’s favorite P-word….patience. It all begins with making sure your portion sizes of meals/snacks are appropriate. They should contain a good protein source at each meal and snack and getting good sleep are all major factors. Throw in some exercise and you’ve got a recipe for success right there. It’s nothing crazy and it’s not supposed to be! Getting into a routine to maintain consistency is the real challenge but is very doable. Just don’t expect caffeine or any other stimulant to be a short-cut.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Weight loss claims for benefits of capsaicin (hot peppers)

    Weight loss is a big topic year-round but even more so come holidays and the new year. Resolutions being made and everyone wanting to start off strong means an attractive time for marketing companies. Don’t fall for some of those claims and advertisements floating around. This study touting capsaicin is a good example.

    What is capsaicin?

    Capsaicin is a compound found in peppers. More specifically, it’s part of what makes peppers so hot. Studies have been coming out about the potential impact that capsaicin can have on overall appetite. Personally, if something is too spicy I would eat less of it too! Theoretically it makes sense due to that type of thought process. Turns out though that there is also a lot of neurological impacts coming from capsaicin that could be playing a role.

    Beware marketing claims of capsaicin helping weight loss

    Neurological impact potential of capsaicin

    Neurological can be a big confusion word. In this sense it simply is referring to how different parts of the body communicate with each other. Strengthened neurological connections can help the stomach and brain talk with each other. Like most things in life, better communication rarely is a bad thing and can help tell the brain when enough has been eaten and to stop. Results from a few studies show a potential benefit of capsaicin strengthening those lines of communication. In particular it is being targeted as a way to help relieve cramps a lot here of late.

    Impact on energy expenditure

    Another area being looked at is potential increase in indirect energy expenditure. There are two types of fat in the body referred to as white and brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue help contribute to keeping our body warm and does this by burning more energy. Because of that brown adipose tissue is thought to be beneficial and certainly preferred over white adipose tissue. Capsaicin has a handful of studies showing it may help increase the body’s preference to brown adipose tissue. Combine all of these things and capsaicin is sounding pretty nice!

    What’s the catch?

    The actual amount of impact all of these things have is incredibly marginal. While these benefits may occur, it doesn’t mean noticeable changes will actually occur as touted. The total number of studies is also small and many done on rats. Those pieces of information though aren’t going to be advertised as much by supplement companies selling the capsaicin. Strategies like this are all too common amongst weight loss supplements. Next time you see those you now know to be very cautious. So please don’t fall for them!

    Going for a short walk daily will have significantly more benefit than taking some capsaicin. Walking and reducing calories may not seem as ‘sexy’ or potentially as simple as taking a pill but those are the keys if weight loss is the goal. Adequate movement and eating properly is the foundation but consistency is the key. That also is where the challenges tend to pop up as it’s not a quick fix. Developing the strategies to help with that consistency is very important. If needing someone to assist with developing those I’m more than happy to help. But even if not wanting to work with me just please promise me you’ll think twice before falling for any of those supplement marketing tactics. 

    Study referenced: click here