Ketones are generally associated with ketogenic diets. These diets are very low in carbohydrates and are set up to have the body run primarily on fat as its fuel source. Running on fat results in the production of ketones as part of the process. Ketones have been found to provide a wide variety of potential benefits and has gained a lot of attention as a result. Now there are even supplements to help in theory provide those benefits without needing to follow a low carb diet itself. Always looking for an edge, athletes are getting curious as well to see its potential impact on performance.
What are ketones used for
One of the biggest misunderstandings with ketones is their impact on fat loss. While ketones are produced in greater amounts in low carb diets when the body is burning more fat, ketones themselves do not directly cause greater fat loss. Some people take ketones in hopes of improved body comp through increased fat loss but are typically left disappointed. Put simply, ketones primarily serve as an additional energy source for the body to use. While the body is utilizing those though, it impacts the metabolism and utilization of other nutrients.
Impact on carbs, fat and lactate
Carbs and fat are generally the two primary sources of energy that the body pulls from. During more intense exercise/activities, carbs become increasingly relied upon for that energy. That carb utilization during intense situations is also what produces lactate in the body. If too much lactate is produced and/or too much carbohydrate and it’s stored form glycogen are used, fatigue starts to set in. Preserving that carb/glycogen usage is an area of great interest due to the potential to theoretically allow for longer duration of training and greater performance.
Ketones may have the potential to do just that. When the body is prioritizing ketones for energy, that means those glycogen stores are able to be preserved. That extra fuel tank could then be available for later in the game/competition to use while the opponents may be getting more fatigued. Ketones are also able to provide energy in a manner that doesn’t produce lactate. These two things are the main areas of interest for ketones during physical activity. While it sounds great in theory, does it actually translate to performance?
Performance effects with ketones
In a recent study, professional rugby players but that to the test. Rugby is a sport that has a strong endurance/cardio component as well as intervals of high intensity anaerobic activities. They compared performance in a rugby style simulation when consuming a carbohydrate beverage versus a ketone beverage of equal calories. For 15-meter sprints and explosive strength tests, there wasn’t any noticeable difference between the two groups. Differences were noticed though with intermittent repeat drills of high intensity lasting ~15 seconds in total each time. Those with the ketone supplement completed the drill a split second quicker (15.53 vs. 15.86 seconds) on average. While a split second may not seem like a lot, at an elite level it can have a significant impact. Because of that, ketones are an area to continue keeping an eye on.
If and when to try ketones
Rule number one is no new foods/supplements on game day! You always want to test new things during practice and off days. Doing so allows for you to see how your body reacts without risking a poor performance during competition. Some people do experience upset stomachs when taking ketones so you will want to make sure you don’t fall into that category yourself. You know your body better than anyone so listen to it and see how you feel and respond. As with all supplements though, especially if an athlete who gets random performance drug tests, make sure it’s a third party tested product. If unsure please don’t hesitate to reach out to me as I’m more than happy to help check for you.
Study referenced: click here