
  • Not all beet juice products are made equal

    Beet juice is popular amongst more people than just Dwight Schrute from The Office. Athletes and those looking to maximize their performance are starting to gravitate towards beets more and more. Research is continuing to come out supporting those benefits but it’s confusing to know how to take for best results. Looking into this, a new study shows that there is a lot of variation amongst different products and also even a bit between batches of the same product.

    What’s so special about beet juice?

    Nitrates are the main piece of the puzzle that makes beet juice so beneficial. Within the body those nitrates are converted into nitric oxide which help dilate blood vessels for improve blood flow and oxygen delivery. Consuming enough nitrates to maximize that potential can have a significant benefit on performance. Improved oxygen delivery helps muscles produce the energy they need but also it helps ‘clear out’ byproducts like lactate better. Combining all of these factors will help to train/compete longer with less fatigue. Post-training it can help from a recovery aspect as well from that.

    Differences between products

    Knowing the benefits beets and nitrates can have, now it’s a matter of making sure the needed amount is consumed. Most products, especially supplements, will specifically label the nitrate content within them. While it’s nice of them to say what the product contains, it’s another thing for it to actually contain what it says. Supplements in general are very susceptible to this and aren’t always as accurate as we would like them to be. On top of that, you need to make sure beet supplements are third party tested to ensure they don’t have any banned substances in them either. Put all of that together and it emphasizes why choosing beet juice may be the better and safer option.

    Juice vs. supplement

    Concentration of nitrates in juice appear to be a bit more consistent in providing the amounts needed for their benefits. The majority of the supplements reviewed in the recent study don’t have the needed amounts of nitrates in them. Having confidence in knowing you’re getting what you need is certainly something that needs to be kept in mind. Adding to the confidence of having the nitrates needed to work their magic, beet juice also has some other benefits too. Drinking beet juice will provide some extra carbs before intense competitions and the fluid to help ensure proper hydration. Putting all of this together, beet juice makes for one heck of a pre-workout addition to your nutrition plan.

    Beet juice typically has higher nitrate concentration and more consistent than beet supplements.

    How and when to drink beet juice

    Knowing beet juice is helpful is nice but it’s just as important to know how best to take it. Drinking beet juice doesn’t have the nitrates kick in immediately and needs to be timed up appropriately for maximum effect. Wait until about 2 hours before your competition is about to begin before having beet juice as that’s how long it takes for your body to absorb and begin using those nitrates. Drinking half a cup (4oz) should be sufficient in most cases as well to provide the proper amounts of nitrates. Concentrated beet shots of ~2oz can sometimes provide enough as well but that will depend on the beets used.

    Having some extra wiggle room for error, I would recommend going with the 4oz. Regardless though, like with all new things make sure to try it first during practice and not before a competition! No new foods on game day to make sure you know how your body responds to things. Nobody enjoys competing with an upset stomach.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Spirulina supplement is becoming popular and may help your immune system

    High intensity training and activities takes a big toll on the body. Falling in that category is the immune system in particular. To help maintain a strong immune system, the idea of taking a spirulina supplement has grown in popularity. Taking spirulina during times of recovery as Zion Williamson reportedly did could be a useful time a swell. Speeding up recovery with a strong immune system is a great strategy and using spirulina is an intriguing addition. Looking into this, a new study tested soccer players during an 8-week tournament preparation with spirulina.

    What is a spirulina supplement?

    Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is jam packed with nutrients. Containing all those nutrients does leave the door open for the potential to provide a lot of benefit in a variety of ways. Practicing vegans tend to use this as an additional source of protein, iron and B12 which they typically struggle to consume enough of. Having a spirulina supplement can help provide those benefits in a more concentrated does as it otherwise can be tough to sometimes incorporate into cooking.

    Spirulina supplement impact on immune system

    Impact on immune system

    During an 8-week build up to a tournament, researchers looked at the immune function of the soccer players. Each day half the players were given spirulina and the other half a placebo. Training sessions and practices were the same throughout. Upon completion of the 8-weeks it did show better levels of immune function markers in the spirulina group. Guaranteeing these benefits of spirulina from one study isn’t possible but it does add to the growing evidence in favor of it. Specifically the evidence showing potential benefits in relation to allergy and asthma responses.

    Is taking a spirulina supplement worth it?

    “Do no harm” is rule number one every time when it comes to taking a supplement. Looking at the research so far it appears there isn’t anything to be worried about which checks that box! Rule number two for athletes especially is ensuring that the supplement has been tested for banned substances. Double-checking that the product is NSF Certified for Sport or Informed Choice Sport certified is crucial. If unsure on how to do that please check their respective websites to look up different supplements or reach out to me directly. Safety first!

    Taking all the information we have so far, it’s tough to definitely say spirulina would be worth it. If wanting to make the investment and are ok with knowing it may not guarantee benefits, it could be worth the try. Consuming a diet full of good fruits and vegetables, proper hydration and good sleep should be first though! Adding in a supplement without first addressing those areas isn’t going to do much. Prioritize food first and then fill in the gaps where needed.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Too much of a good thing? – Antioxidants impact on training results

    Inflammation is something that gets a lot of negative publicity. Most people work and do everything they can to reduce it. Perhaps the most common strategy to reduce inflammation is through antioxidants. Antioxidants impact on inflammation has been studies a LOT! The results of those studies are fairly consistent showing their ability to reduce inflammation. But what if inflammation isn’t all bad? What if it’s just misunderstood?

    Physical activity creates inflammation

    Exercise and physical activity should be a regular part of everyones life. For athletes it plays an even bigger part. This activity has a wealth of health benefits and is crucial to improve an athletes performance. Right next to all of these benefits is something that typically is labels as a negative, inflammation. A build up of inflammation can leave you feeling incredibly sore the next day and result in decreased performance. Depending on what is in store for the next day this soreness could be a problem. This is where antioxidants can come to the rescue! For individuals who consume a lot of processed food, that can be very inflammatory. Antioxidants can come to the rescue here too! That is why you shouldn’t be eating fast food daily and should eat your broccoli.

    Physical activity and resistance exercise increases inflammation which can be both good and bad.

    Antioxidants impact on inflammation

    Antioxidants impact on inflammation needs to be monitored carefully due to concentration of dosages in supplements.

    Antioxidants are one of the first lines of defense against inflammation. The most popular way of acquiring antioxidants is normally by eating fruits and vegetables. It has become incredibly easy to consume an excessively large amount of these nowadays though due to supplements. Emergen-C is an incredibly popular example. One serving has 1,000mg of a key antioxidant vitamin C in it (1,111% of the recommended daily value). Nobody is eating enough berries to consume that much naturally! With such easy access to high levels of antioxidants the questions turns to whether we should consume such high levels? And if so, does timing matter?

    When too many antioxidants have a negative impact

    It’s a balancing act when it comes to inflammation in regards to exercise. When exercising, that inflammation is actually critical for progression and improvement. Your body learning to deal with inflammation on its own trains the body to be better able to handle those stressors again later. Handling inflammation better like this means what once made you sore and was difficult has gradually become easier. For example, when someone just starts running they may feel absolutely beat after a 10 minute mile. After months of running the body handles that stress/inflammation a lot better and now that level of soreness is felt when running a 5 minute mile.

    Taking excessive amounts of antioxidants acts like training wheels for the body. Without having to learn how to handle the stress and inflammation on its own, it will take a lot longer to make the same amount of progress. So be cautious if taking excessive amounts of antioxidants regularly. Save it for those special circumstances when quick turnarounds are needed. This doesn’t mean to completely skip your fruits and veggies though, nice try. Continue incorporating those regularly and here’s to all your progress ahead!

    Study referenced: click here


  • Ketone supplements look to help high intensity activities

    This is a big blast to the past for me as my master’s thesis was on ketone supplements and it’s impact on performance. Overall ketone supplements are still a fairly new thing. We continue to learn more and more about them and have a long ways to go. Early on though, lactate levels seem to be one of the things ketones can target the most.

    What are ketones?

    Ketones are what your body produces when it is breaking down fat. It’s a form of energy that your body can use, like glucose, with other potential benefits as well. Ketone production is one of the main goals of those following a low carb diet. A lot of research on this has been done looking at medical uses such as for diabetes and seizures but it’s beginning to get a lot more attention in the sports/performance world. The dietary and lifestyle production of ketones is different from simply drinking them so get a short-term ketone boost.

    Ketone supplements vs. naturally produced

    Most of the research up to this point on ketones has been studying those that are naturally produced. This comes from low carb diet implementation and thus has other variables to consider. Prior to supplements being made the ketones couldn’t be isolated and looked at. But never count out science! Now there are all sorts of different ketones supplements out there. Ketone supplements now allow for a unique situation where ketone levels can be high in addition to having carbs with them. There are different forms of ketone supplements as well to consider. The two most common of which are ketone salts and ketone esters. Neither are the exact same as ketones produced by the body though there are still a lot of similarities for comparable effects. A lot of questions and details obviously still need to be learned but we’re getting closer one study at a time.

    Ketones used for energy

    One of the biggest functions of ketones is their use for energy. Similar to glucose, ketones can be used by muscles and the rest of the body to keep things running. When consumed as a supplement ketones actually jump to the front of the line for energy usage. This is where some of the interest from a performance perspective comes into play. While it is a go-to source of energy it also is able to do that without producing lactate as a result. Even at higher intensities ketones appear to pull this off effectively.

    The impact of lactate

    Lactate is produced when performing at a high intensity. As the intensity increases, the usage of glucose increases with it. Partially contributing to this is that the body isn’t getting enough oxygen to run as well on fat which needs more oxygen than glucose. That oxygen need is why you start breathing harder at higher intensities. Glucose though can actually still produce energy even without oxygen. But, this comes at a bit of a cost in the form of lactate being produced. As lactate increases you may start to feel that burning sensation in your muscles. This eventually will force you to have to slowdown or stop.

    Less lactate with ketone supplements

    What this study shows is the potential for the body to use ketones more and preserve glucose/glycogen. As a result, the decreased glucose usage also decreases the lactate being produced. More energy being available with slower production of lactate sounds like a great combo most certainly worth keeping an eye on. While this study looked at rugby players, the overall concept could be applied to much more. Lower lactate levels will certainly catch the attention of a lot of performance experts and athletes, myself included. While too early to say it should absolutely be a part of an athlete’s supplement plan, it’s worth keeping an eye on.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Is hydrogen water just full of gas?

    Water is a very simple universal thing one would think. But just walk through your local grocery store and you’ll see an entire row with different types of water. You’ve got flavored, sparkling, distilled, flavored, glacier, artisan well, vitamin and on and on. Gas infused water is a relatively new one and we’re going to discuss hydrogen water in particular here.

    What is hydrogen water?

    Hydrogen Infused Water

    The goal of hydrogen water is to pump the bottle of water with hydrogen gas. This is done with the hopes that it results in whoever is drinking it, consumes extra hydrogen. Originally I was skeptical about this as I wasn’t sure how much would actually make it from the bottle and into the body. When opening the bottle I would imagine the gas levels would begin immediately balancing with the surrounding air and thus become regular ol’ water again.

    I will always keep an open mind though and hold my hand up if I’m wrong. More research is starting to show that there may be something to gas infused water. As a result, my hand may be starting to rise just a little bit.

    Potential benefits

    A recent study shows the potential hydrogen infused water can have on improving physical performance. The potential impact appears to stem from the apparent ability to reduce the lactate response in the body. Less lactate in the body means less of that burning sensation we’ve all experienced when pushing ourselves. With less lactate it helps to decrease muscle soreness and I’ve yet to meet anyone who doesn’t perform better when less sore.

    So…..should you buy it?

    In short, no. Not because it will be bad for you but because there isn’t enough proof yet. Your money would be better spend on other things with more confidently proven benefits. This is an area though that is worth keeping an eye on as it has potential.

    Study referenced: click here


  • Quality Diet First, Supplements Second

    Like everything you have to walk before you can run. It all starts with the fundaments and with our health that is a quality diet. Most people want the quick fix of a pill or supplement or the ‘super food’ of the month. A quick fix never replaces the benefits a quality diet is able to offer.

    But why doesn’t a quality diet get more attention? Because in all honesty, it’s kind of boring!

    Unlike supplements or ‘super foods’ it’s difficult to get hyped about broccoli and spinach. You likely haven’t seen a broccoli ad during the Super Bowl but you’ve seen many Energy Drink ads. Those types of things are flashy and can grab peoples attention.

    Quality diets don’t necessarily have fancy ingredients or titles. You can make some delicious tasting and looking food but the makeup of the recipes will be fairly similar. What makes this effective though is consistency and…*looks around*….*whispers*…patience. Everyone’s favorite word.

    You can’t outwork a poor diet

    The fundamentals for any quality diet comes down to protein, fat, carbs, fruit & vegetables and hydration! Each piece is important in its own right and shouldn’t be overlooked.


    Not all protein is equal. If possible try to ensure optimal quality by having grass fed beef, free range chicken and wild caught fish. This helps ensure your meat contains the maximum nutrient punch. It also avoids many inflammatory additions such as preservatives that many low quality meats contain. Many people don’t consume enough protein overall so make sure you also avoid falling into that category.

    Quality meat and protein sources on a cutting board.
    Food sources of quality fat including coconut, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.


    Eating fat doesn’t make us fat. Fat is vital for nutrient absorption. There are fat and water soluble vitamins and as you may suspect, fat soluble vitamins require fat to be absorbed. So if you want the full benefit of that next salad, make sure you have some fat in it. Some quick good sources of fat include olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and cheese.


    Carbs are in just about everything these days it seems and as a result are incredibly available. Unfortunately most of these sources are of poor quality. Focus on more nutrient rich sources such as potatoes, whole grains, fruit and beans. Also keep in mind how much you’re having to match your training appropriately.

    Table full of quality carbohydrates.
    Fresh fruit and vegetables laid out on a table.

    Fruit & Vegetables

    Don’t skip these! The vast majority of us would do well to have more. Non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, peppers, broccoli and squash should be your go-to veggies. For fruit, berries give you some of the most bang for your buck. Any plate without these is an incomplete plate!


    Keep a water bottle nearby at all times. Proper hydration is needed to keep our body running optimally. So many of us struggle with staying hydrated despite being such an easy concept.

    Person holding a bottle of water emphasizing the importance of hydration.

    Quality diet = quality health = quality performance

    Getting those fundamentals in place first then can allow us to begin considering supplements. To reiterate though, supplements don’t replace foods! Supplements work to enhance a quality diet allowing us to perform even better. They are also important to provide an extra boost in case our diet is a bit low in any specific nutrient. This is why regular blood work can be a great thing to get with your annual health check up (this is your nudge to schedule one if it’s been awhile).

    Don’t blindly take just any supplement though. Do so with purpose and intent while also doing your homework to ensure it’s safe and worth your money. If unsure, don’t risk it and just purchase something anyways! Make sure to check with someone first. If you don’t know anyone feel free to reach out to me! I’d much rather you be safe than sorry. Just be prepared for me to ask you how your diet is before answering you 🙂


  • Sore Muscles Improved With The Help Of Omega-3s

    There’s nothing quite like finishing up leg day, walking like Bambi. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, we wake up the next morning with even more sore muscles than the day before.

    While some muscle soreness is perfectly normal and part of the training adaptation, there’s certainly a fine line. Especially if it’s after a game with another one coming up again soon. Recovery is the key and omega-3s could help speed things up.

    The first thing to discuss though is what omega-3s are! Omega-3s are fatty acids most commonly found in fatty fish. This is why you hear the recommendation so often to eat fish three times per week. These fats are great at helping to reduce inflammation as this study showed.

    Why focus on inflammation for sore muscles?

    Inflammation can be a good thing in limited quantities because that is what helps us improve our workouts and strength over time. Exercise beats our body up a bit causing an increasing in inflammation. Our body then is forced to have to control that new inflammation and bring it back down. Regular exposure to this helps our body to be able to handle that inflammation and workload allowing us to get strong and train even harder.

    Image of runner with sore muscle from leg inflammation

    Too much inflammation and muscle breakdown though causes really sore muscles. This is because our body can’t handle the amount of inflammation and breakdown that is occurring. The fun part is, the soreness usually doesn’t peak until about two or three days after the event. Why have just one day of fun right?

    Image of tournament bracket

    In moments where we have quick turnarounds and need to perform optimally the next day (ie. tournaments) this is bad news. Muscle soreness, decreased range of motion and decreased strength is the exact opposite of what we are wanting. Having a good recovery strategy in place could be the key difference for you in these moments.

    Maximize the recovery time you have

    For optimal recovery the fundamentals will always be there; good sleep, hydration, fruit & vegetables, adequate protein, good fats and in case you missed it the first time…sleep! But omega-3s can certainly help provide a boost to maximize things.

    Eating fatty fish (ie. wild caught salmon) is great but if not a fan of eating fish, a quality fish oil supplement would be worth looking into. Generally, 2-5 grams per day is perfect depending on the situation.

    Enjoy your omega-3s, you will thank yourself later!