Beet juice is popular amongst more people than just Dwight Schrute from The Office. Athletes and those looking to maximize their performance are starting to gravitate towards beets more and more. Research is continuing to come out supporting those benefits but it’s confusing to know how to take for best results. Looking into this, a new study shows that there is a lot of variation amongst different products and also even a bit between batches of the same product.

What’s so special about beet juice?

Nitrates are the main piece of the puzzle that makes beet juice so beneficial. Within the body those nitrates are converted into nitric oxide which help dilate blood vessels for improve blood flow and oxygen delivery. Consuming enough nitrates to maximize that potential can have a significant benefit on performance. Improved oxygen delivery helps muscles produce the energy they need but also it helps ‘clear out’ byproducts like lactate better. Combining all of these factors will help to train/compete longer with less fatigue. Post-training it can help from a recovery aspect as well from that.

Differences between products

Knowing the benefits beets and nitrates can have, now it’s a matter of making sure the needed amount is consumed. Most products, especially supplements, will specifically label the nitrate content within them. While it’s nice of them to say what the product contains, it’s another thing for it to actually contain what it says. Supplements in general are very susceptible to this and aren’t always as accurate as we would like them to be. On top of that, you need to make sure beet supplements are third party tested to ensure they don’t have any banned substances in them either. Put all of that together and it emphasizes why choosing beet juice may be the better and safer option.

Juice vs. supplement

Concentration of nitrates in juice appear to be a bit more consistent in providing the amounts needed for their benefits. The majority of the supplements reviewed in the recent study don’t have the needed amounts of nitrates in them. Having confidence in knowing you’re getting what you need is certainly something that needs to be kept in mind. Adding to the confidence of having the nitrates needed to work their magic, beet juice also has some other benefits too. Drinking beet juice will provide some extra carbs before intense competitions and the fluid to help ensure proper hydration. Putting all of this together, beet juice makes for one heck of a pre-workout addition to your nutrition plan.

Beet juice typically has higher nitrate concentration and more consistent than beet supplements.

How and when to drink beet juice

Knowing beet juice is helpful is nice but it’s just as important to know how best to take it. Drinking beet juice doesn’t have the nitrates kick in immediately and needs to be timed up appropriately for maximum effect. Wait until about 2 hours before your competition is about to begin before having beet juice as that’s how long it takes for your body to absorb and begin using those nitrates. Drinking half a cup (4oz) should be sufficient in most cases as well to provide the proper amounts of nitrates. Concentrated beet shots of ~2oz can sometimes provide enough as well but that will depend on the beets used.

Having some extra wiggle room for error, I would recommend going with the 4oz. Regardless though, like with all new things make sure to try it first during practice and not before a competition! No new foods on game day to make sure you know how your body responds to things. Nobody enjoys competing with an upset stomach.

Study referenced: click here