Wearable technology is not great at estimating calorie needs
For anyone interested in optimizing their health/performance, wearable technology has likely come up. There are so many different companies out there making different products for just about everything. Athletes in particular have been heavily targeted due to various training, recovery and sleep metrics out there. Having so much information at one’s disposal though makes it very important to know how accurate it is. Additionally, even if accurate what to do with that information is potentially an even bigger question.
Sleep and training wearable technology
These are what I’d say are the two most popular types of wearables on the market. Sleep is an area that just about everyone can improve upon and thus everyone wants to know how to be better. It’s also a very ‘easy’ time to try and measure something as the body isn’t moving as much. Measuring resting heart rate, heart rate variability, body temp and time spent in deep sleep are all great. They monitor trends of how the body is responding to various stressors each day to recover.
During training is when some of the physical stressors are monitored. Whether it’s heart rate increases or using GPS technology to know how far, fast and accelerations/decelerations during a training session you can have a TON of information. To balance overall training load and how hard you are pushing your body, this information can be wonderful. Combining this and sleep recovery can be a great combo to monitor how the body responds to a specific session and knowing if the body is recovered to push things again the next day. It’s a balancing act to continue driving improvement but minimizing injury risk.
Calculating calories with wearable technology
Measuring caloric expenditure is where things get very tricky. Most wearables struggle with calculating the metabolic load of different exercises because it’s tough to track. Particularly during collision or resistance training activities this is even tougher. Most wearables rely on heart rate and a bit of GPS to determine energy needs. Looking at weight lifting though you aren’t moving hardly at all. On top of that it’s generally a fairly short duration for each set and your heart rate may not increase too significantly. Unless the wearable is specifically able to detect the force each muscle is generating to lift the respective weight it’s going to struggle calculating that.
Collision sports are in a similar boat. Forces generated upon impact of hitting something as of now isn’t easily detected by wearables. At least not to my knowledge! These collisions though absolutely generate a big toll on the body and require additional caloric needs to repair. Linemen in American football in particular are prime examples of this. While already typically large individuals, their caloric needs are very high due to the frequent collisions they experience every play. This is in spite of not running or covering much ground typically.
Be cautious with estimated calories
Due to everything just mentioned, be careful if looking at the estimated calorie expenditure of your wearable. As the referenced study here shows as well, it very likely is underestimating what you truly need. In this study in particular is came in significantly under! When testing during a rugby preseason, the wearable they used (SenseWear Pro3) underestimated calorie needs by up to 1,000 calories. In-season needs were underestimated by 500 calories. Every piece of wearable technology is going to be a different and more or less accurate but the message is clear that you should be cautious with those numbers.
Is any wearable technology worth it?
Like most things…it depends! Ask yourself first what it is you are wanting to achieve and find out and then do a bit of your own research seeing what provides the type of information you’re wanting. Personally I’m a big fan of them. I utilize both Whoop and an Apple Watch but for slightly different reasons for each. The Whoop I have really enjoyed in monitoring my recovery and training loads and works for me. I’m using the Apple Watch honestly more for keeping myself organized but am playing with their fitness and sleep type information as well.
The most important thing when using these types of technology is to not take the specific numbers to heart. You want to be more mindful of the overall trends. With the calories being a perfect example, we know the exact number being displayed to us is likely wrong. But by looking at the overall trends of our numbers, if the calories are showing to be higher one day it’s likely safe to say you need to eat more! You may have done a bit more movement/exercise that previously and thus need more food. So overall yes, I’m a fan of these things and like the information but stay mindful of what it’s actually telling you. Remember that trends are typically more valuable than single day numbers.
Study referenced: click here