Nowadays most people’s schedules are insanely busy. Running from one thing to the next and back all day. Student athletes have to navigate not only their classes but training and travel schedules. Working individuals may not be any better with early meetings and frequent travel as well. Technology also allows for 24/7 access meaning meetings at all hours. Busy schedules are wrecking havoc on when people are able to eat. Thus if making the effort to prioritize your schedule around nutrition, when is the best time to eat to eat?
Latest findings on the best time to eat
Recently a new study came out looking to answer that very question. Physiologically the results were fairly one-sided in favor or eating earlier in the day. Eating later resulted in a decreased level of the body’s hormones responsible for feeling full, leptin. Still at the hormonal level, eating later increased the actual pathways encouraging storing calories as fat. So while feeling hungrier it also appeared to decrease actual metabolism rates and overall body temperatures. A decreased natural calorie burn alongside feeling more hungry with and increased fat storage sounds like a recipe for disaster. Regardless your personal goals, this increased susceptibility to increased weight and specifically increased fat is far from ideal. Performance and overall health both take a hit with that.
Support for breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! That phrase isn’t going anywhere anytime soon with a strong case for being the best time to eat. Eating earlier in the day help provide the body energy for when most of us are likely to be most active. Having a full fuel tank to get us through the day is a lot more helpful than eating and having all that energy just for us to get ready for bed later in the day. Athletes in particular will benefit a lot from having breakfast. Many training sessions are early in the day so having that extra energy ensures the ability to train at your peak level. It’s also a great time to provide some extra protein to maximize recovery and overall body composition goals.
Why do so many people tend to eat later?
Just like us, our body is a creature of habit. If we do (or don’t) do something consistently the body adapts to expect it. Prime example being the popular line “I’m just not hungry in the morning.” Following that up with the question of when the last time they had eaten breakfast, they typically either won’t know or it is years ago. Due to this the body has gotten into a routine of not expecting breakfast and doesn’t send signals encouraging it. Just because that signal isn’t coming through, doesn’t mean breakfast should be ignored. Slowly reintroducing breakfast can start to get the metabolism ramped up in the morning again and get into a new routine actually wanting breakfast!
Claiming not to have enough time for breakfast is another all too common response as well. Overcoming this involves one of two strategies for most people if honest with themselves. Setting the alarm just a few minutes earlier is the first strategy to get out of bed and make something. Strategy number two is to prepare breakfast the night before so it can just be grabbed and taken to go. Those stating to not enjoy breakfast can rest at ease as well! Just because it’s breakfast time, doesn’t mean you have to have traditional breakfast food. Eat the foods that you enjoy but make sure they are quality things and providing you the nutrients you need. If truly wanting to work on being an earlier eater there is a way to do it.
So when should you be eating?
All things considered, earlier in the day is the best time to eat. Certain situations for some specific goals may justify a different strategy such as intermittent fasting or fasted training but those are the exception. Especially for athletes with the traditional training schedules and higher overall calorie needs eating early is essential. Early eating provides needed energy for their training and to ensure adequate overall calorie needs are met. Athlete’s skipping an early meal put themselves behind the 8-ball right out of the gate having to play catch up the rest of the day. Body composition is a top priority for many athletes as well and all things combined reinforces the preference of earlier eating. After writing this I feel like I need to whip up an omelet!
Study referenced: click here