Pre-workout supplements likely aren’t the answer and could even be dangerous!

If you’re feeling tired and sluggish with no energy for your workouts, grabbing a supplement should NOT be your first response. Supplements in general are very poorly regulated and pre-workout supplements in particular tend to be even more risky. The risk with pre-workouts tend to come in the form of contamination of banned substances for athletes and/or additional ingredients added to them that aren’t listed. These unlisted ingredients can have some dangerous side-effects as well. There’s a reason the supplement company didn’t want to list it in the first place

What can add to this risk is the fact that the mindset of “if one serving is good, two must be great” which can be very dangerous to one’s health due to the excessive caffeine and other stimulant consumption likely included in the supplement. And please, I beg you not to fall into the trend of dumping a scoop or pre-workout directly into your mouth which seems to be a popular trend right now unfortunately.

If feeling like you need pick-me-up though, first ask yourself a few questions:

  • Did I eat anything beforehand?
  • Am I hydrated?
  • Have I had adequate electrolytes (ie sodium)?
  • Am I getting enough sleep?
  • Is it good quality sleep that I’m getting?

Until you are unable to answer yes to all of these questions, a pre-workout shouldn’t even be crossing your mind. These questions may seem simple and basic but like in sports, the basics are the foundation to longterm success.

After mastering the basics, only then would discussing supplements be considered. Safety is the top priority first and foremost. Next we want to make sure it’s worth our money! If unsure if a supplement is safe and worthwhile, feel free to message me.