Regular exercise is a recommendation that has been around forever it seems. Unfortunately, is still feels like it hasn’t been said enough. Those who move more tend to see benefits and improvements in just about every aspect. With such crazy schedules though it can be tough for many to get that regular activity in. This can be even more true for students when finals week hits. Especially for student athletes with so many additional commitments, during the off season this can be a tough spot as well. Without the scheduled regular practices now the activity levels can sometimes decrease. Not only is it important to continue regular movement to maintain fitness, it helps in overall wellness throughout the day.
Negatives when you don’t move more
Where to begin with this. For athletes it should go without saying that regular movement is crucial for maximizing performance and recovery. The intensity naturally needs to be adjusted for goals but movement is key for that. When moving less and/or sitting for prolonged periods of time, blood flow in the body tends to slow and become more difficult. Delivering nutrients and oxygen while helping to remove byproducts is a key part of what blood does. If not flowing properly those things don’t happen. As a result, people are at an increased risk for cardiovascular issues, diabetes and overall increased soreness. None of which I would put on a list of desirable things to have.
Exercise is more than just performance
Just like described previously the various ways lack of movement can impact the body, same thing on the other end occurs with more movement. Sleep in particular is one area that this recent study showed benefiting from it. With all the benefits that sleep provides as well this is a huge factor. Exercise and movement increase serotonin released in the body which contributed to that fatigue feeling the longer you exercise. While in the moment it makes you feel physically tired, it can actually help regulate your circadian rhythm so that you’re able to sleep better with improved quality at night. Improved sleep means less fatigue and better ability to focus tomorrow.
When you move more, that exercise also exposes the body to a more controlled stressor. Stress is a natural part of life that can cause a lot of havoc if not kept under control. Moving more though exposes the body to stress and forces it to have to manage it. Just like anything, the more you do it the better you get. So the more the body learns to clear out the stress from exercise, it can better manage life stress as well. More relaxed activities such as yoga and Pilates can be great as well with their added impact on the nervous system. Breathwork is typically a main focus in those and proper breathing increases the parasympathetic system response. This is very helpful come bedtime again when trying to calm down to sleep better.
Finding time for regular movement
Busy schedules are the biggest challenge for the majority of us. It’s important to note that it’s a big mindset piece. Don’t always view movement as only a two hour totally exhausted and sweaty event. Movement can be something as simple as yoga, a walk or stretching. Naturally there are added benefits of adding in some additional intense activities but some movement is better than nothing. Try to sneak in a little walk or stretch in the morning, around lunch or before bed. Even during finals week when it feels like you have to study 24/7, give yourself a mental break. You’ll come back feeling more refreshed and actually able to study better.
Get out there and move more!
Don’t overthink it. Some movement is better than no movement. Do what you can and if you find yourself with some extra time, make the most of it and get after it a little bit. But consistency is they key as it is with most things. Those activities that appear seemingly small in the moment, all add up over time. In a time where most of us have come to expect things instantly, patience is a great virtue to continue working on.
Study referenced: click here