This isn’t the first no will it be the last time I write about the benefits of sleep. Odds are very high that if you are wanting to improve anything, sleep can help. Sleep doesn’t just mean at night when the sun is down though. Sleep also includes when we’re napping. Depending on how you implement napping into your routine, there are a lot of benefits to be had.

Impact on cognitive and physical performance

Top to bottom sleep can have a big impact on the body. When sleeping the body is able to recover and repair itself to perform better the next day. This performance includes both mental and physical. Cognitively the benefits include improved ability to focus as well as reaction time. Improved focus is beneficial for anyone regardless the task at hand to be able to be more productive. The added reaction time improvement though can really aid athletes. Being able to focus on what is occurring during a game helps to know where teammates and opponents are a bit better to make better decisions. Then when needing to act upon that, faster reaction times produce better results. Split seconds can be the difference between winning and losing so never discredit that. Physically as well overall strength and recovery is improved with a quick nap beforehand. 

How long to spend napping

Knowing that sleep and napping is beneficial, the natural question is how long to nap. Overall the most benefits seem to pop up when napping for 30-60 minutes. Shorter naps seem to not have as much of an effect as sometimes it can even be too short of a time to even actually fall asleep. Longer naps can be interesting though as we start to get into REM and deep sleep cycles. The biggest thing is wanting to avoid waking up in the middle of a cycle. That can result in feeling even worse when you are trying to wake up. If napping for longer than 60 minutes, going a full 120 minutes may be your best option. That will allow for the potential to get a complete sleep cycle in and not wake up in the middle. 

Everyone loves a good nap! Napping in the proper manner though can help make sure that you maximize the benefits from it.

After napping grogginess

As mentioned previously, that grogginess after waking up is never ideal. Especially if poorly timed and you are having to perform very quickly after waking. A good rule of thumb is to allow for at least an hour after napping before your event. For most people that full hour is enough time to rub the sleep out of the eyes and be good to go. The benefits will have fully kicked in to be feeling alert and ready to perform. Some of the research is showing as well that allowing even more time can have better benefits. So if not in a time-crunch, try to give yourself some extra time after waking up before heading out. For example, if having a game at 7:00pm, a 2:00pm nap could be perfect.

Good night vs. bad night of sleep

Napping has shown benefits on days after both a good or bad night of sleep. Yet surprisingly a greater amount of benefit has been seen after nights of adequate sleep. Many times, we tend to think that after difficult nights that taking a nap can erase those negatives. Sadly, it may not be that easy. While napping absolutely can help, it’s still incredibly important to do your best to get a solid night of sleep.

Key takeaways

Everyone can benefit from a lovely nap! If really looking to maximize your performance, having a 30-60 minute day during the day is the goal. Make sure to give yourself at least 60 minutes afterwards to fully wake back up though. All of this starts with ensuring you had a good night sleep the night before for peak performance. Get yourself to bed at a decent time and take a nap beforehand if possible but if a student please don’t try and use this as an excuse to sleep in class! I don’t want any angry letters from teachers.

Study referenced: click here