The entire concept of carbohydrates has become an incredibly polarizing topic for some. There’s one end of the spectrum touting the benefits of high carb intake and carbo loading. On the other end is the low carb intake and the potential benefits of that. All too often lost in the conversation is the idea of carbohydrate periodization. There’s never a one-size fits all option so it’s important to be familiar with what the options are.
What is carbohydrate periodization?
In short, carbohydrate periodization is providing your body the proper amount of carbs at the proper time. Different situations call for different needs so it takes that into consideration. Carbohydrates are able to be digested quickly and provide energy quickly. This is great in moments of great energy needs and high intensity but it also keeps the body from burning fat. So, depending on your goals in that moment, more or less carb will be needed for the desired results.
When to have more carbs
As mentioned previously, high intensity training is where additional carbs will come in handy. Without that quick energy on hand, it can be a bit tougher to hit those top speeds. Events where max performance is the goal is when added carbs are welcomed as well. This helps top off those carb stores, glycogen, to have a full fuel tank. The goal in these situations isn’t physiological adaptations but peak performance. Additional energy is always helpful when pushing your body to the limit and a higher carbohydrate periodization window here assists that.
When to have less carbs
First thing to clarify is that this isn’t referring to full on keto. That is different from carb periodization where some carbs are still being utilized. Windows for lower carbohydrate periodization is when more training adaptations are the focus. With most sports, having a solid aerobic fitness level is incredibly beneficial. An area to help improve aerobic fitness is by helping the body to potentially preserve its glycogen stores and utilize fat stores more. This will help prevent that fuel tank of glycogen from running out as quickly.
Optimal times to aid these adaptations are during lower intensity trainings. The body isn’t necessarily having to pull that energy as quickly allowing it to utilize fat. Just like in practice itself, the more you do something the better you are at it. Same thing with the body here. The more the body has to pull from fat, the more easily it will be able to do that later on. By improving the body’s ability to use fat through those low carb sessions, in theory glycogen is able to be preserved to avoid fatiguing as quickly.
Carbohydrate periodization in practice
Just like you don’t do the exact same workout or training session every day, your nutrition should match that. The first step is understanding what the goal is for that day. Is it peak performance and high intensity or is it a true training session where the sole focus is on maximizing adaptation? Having some extra toast, bananas or pasta before a tougher session will help with that peak moment. Then the next less intense day, opting for more non-starchy veggies, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oils will keep the carbs down and aid the adaptation to utilize fat stores. It’s an ebb and flow process but it all starts with understanding what is trying to be achieved. Regardless the carbs though, make sure you are hydrated beforehand with proper electrolytes.
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