
  • How To Prepare For International Travel and Competition

    There are a lot of challenges that come with preparing for competition. Away competitions add an extra wrinkle and if that involves international travel it takes even more planning. All of this is even before the actual game itself! Taking a little extra time to plan though can make all the difference in that game.

    The first things we need to know to prepare is when and where we are going. Traveling somewhere in the summer or winter will obviously have different challenges we want to keep in mind. Even more differences will pop up depending on the location we travel to. We will want to be mindful of water safety, language barriers, cultural norms and cultural cuisines which are different in every country.

    Time of year – temperature

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise but there is a big difference between winter and summer weather. These differences can be even more extreme depending on where you’re traveling. A summer in northern-Canada is very different than a summer in souther-Mexico. Both with be relatively more warm but the actual temperatures will be vastly different.

    International travel luggage representation

    When traveling to a hot environment, hydration is going to be the main focus. Especially if we are traveling from a cool environment to a hot environment that is even more true. Our body will require some time to adapt to the heat and during that adaptation we will lose a lot more sodium in our sweat. This makes electrolytes the main thing to focus on to ensure enough sodium is consumed. Products such as LMNT, Drip Drop and The Right Stuff are able to be easily packed to provide plenty of sodium. Sodium plus drinking plenty of fluid in general and keeping those drinks cool to keep our temperature down while outside will keep us performing optimally.

    On the other hand, if we’re traveling into a winter wonderland our focus will be a bit different. When we’re cold our thirst naturally tends to decrease a bit. Keeping water flavorings on hand can help increase our desire to drink and avoid plain water fatigue plus focusing more on warm beverages which may be more desirable. Hot chocolate and warm apple cider can be great options to provide some carbs as well during events. Broth is a great warm option as well as it will provide sodium to offset the sweating that will still be occurring. Another important piece is to know if you are going to be outside in below freezing temperatures. If so, packing an insulated bottle for your drinks is an absolute must. If not, don’t be surprised when you go to take your next drink to find it a frozen solid ice cube!

    Cold winter city for international travel

    International travel water safety

    Water safety is something many of us take for granted. That safety is a luxury in many countries though. It’s important to know what the water is like where you’re going and take the safety measures necessary for it. A surprising number of countries have poor water so don’t take this for granted as it is a major focus for international travel.

    International travel water safety

    Drinking bad water can make you incredibly sick. It goes without saying that we don’t want that! The side-effects tend to be diarrhea and vomiting, both of which can lead to dehydration. Our first reaction to this though is to focus on maintaining our hydration. Normally not a problem but it was water that got us into this rough position in the first place! So making sure we are drinking only bottled water/beverages is a great strategy to decrease our risk of getting sick.

    Even if we aren’t directly drinking it though, we could still run into trouble. Eating food that has been washed but not cooked will still have some water residue on it. While it may seem like a small amount, you don’t need much to cause problems and if we’re in a competition we don’t want any unnecessary risks! These types of foods include salad bars, fruit with the skin on, and raw veggie trays. Don’t use this as an excuse to avoid vegetables but just make sure they’re properly cooked.

    Know the culture

    Different cultures have different food preferences. This can be different in preferred protein options and spices/seasonings being used. With such different flavors it could be a bit of a shock to some individuals. When the golden rule is “no new foods on game day” the different flavors and items could make this challenging.

    To combat this challenge, planning ahead is going to be key. We will want to pack and bring with us those staple foods we feel most comfortable with and enjoy. Things like a PB&J sandwich can be incredibly uncommon in some areas. Packing some shelf stable peanut butter packets and jelly or honey packets can be very portable and help provide that taste of home even when miles upon miles away.

    International cuisine and how it may differ from traditional foods accustomed to

    Keeping these familiar foods on hand will help make sure you are feeling good and ready for your competition. You will know how your body responds to those foods and make sure to avoid any discomfort in your stomach when you take the field. Make sure to plan ahead, pack extra snacks and best of luck in your competition. Once you come away with a win though, then enjoy branching out a bit and trying some of the local dishes. That’s one of the best parts of international travel! It’s not every day you get to travel to fun places so make sure to make the most of them while still being safe.


  • Chill Out and Perform Better – Keeping Cool In Heat

    When we workout, train and compete our body generates heat. This heat is generated due to the energy our body produces to allow us to perform. Obviously though we don’t want to get too hot! As our temperature increases our body has to work harder to maintain our performance and keeping cool. Fatigue then begins to set in and our body forces us to slow down. If we don’t slow down and our temperature continues to climb we can have big problems! To fight this our body works to try and cool itself down but there are things we can do to help it.

    Why do we care about keeping cool? Safety

    If we get too hot it can become very dangerous. Just like a car will breakdown if it overheats, our body’s respond the same way. A significant increase in our internal body temperature can lead to heat exhaustion and heat strokes. Neither of those are a good time. Unfortunately though many people suffer from over heating every year.

    High school football has in particular received a lot of attention due to the number of players who have collapsed from heat exhaustion. This can be attributed to several factors leading it to be a perfect storm. A major reason is simply the equipment that is used with helmets and pads. On top of that two-a-day practices are very common causing increased exposure to the heat outdoors and potential dehydration. But perhaps the biggest factor that applies to much more than just the sport, is the age of these athletes.

    High school football players in full pads in the heat.

    Adolescents are at an increased risk for heat related problems due to their body’s not being fully developed yet. Their body’s don’t have the full capability to cool themselves yet which we’ll dive into here shortly. Because they’re still developing, coaches and training staffs need to be very cautious and mindful with youth athletes.

    Our body naturally try’s to keep us cool

    The human body is incredibly resilient and try’s really hard to keep us up and moving. Which is greatly appreciated! In regards to what our body does specifically to keep us cool, sweat and blood flow distribution are the main methods.

    Athlete sweating profusely in the heat.

    We’ve all been in a hot situation where we are sweating buckets! Sometimes it’s out on the field and other times it’s at that family member’s house who keeps the heat on way too high. We’re ok for a little bit but eventually the sweat inevitably comes. The interesting part though is that simply sweating isn’t what cools our body down. It’s when the sweat evaporates that we cool off.

    Think of when you get out of the shower. Even though there’s no wind blowing we feel noticeably more cold. If our sweat isn’t able to evaporate then sweating doesn’t help us and is simply reducing our blood volume due to the volume of liquid being lost. When it’s very humid outside there’s already a lot of moisture in the air and it prevents our sweat from being able to evaporate and cool us off. That’s why extra caution is needed on those hot and humid days especially!

    Now for the blood distribution piece, this involves our body pumping blood towards our skin. By having blood closer to the surface of our skin, the wind/air traveling over it will help to cool down the blood. Then the slightly cooled down blood can travel back through the body helping cool the body down internally.

    Have you ever notice your veins sticking out a bit more in hot/humid environments? Now you know why! It’s the body directing the blood to the surface more in hopes of cooling down more. When we’re dehydrated though, this becomes very challenging.

    Athlete with extra vascularity.

    Keeping cool means keeping hydrated

    If we don’t replace the fluid being lost in sweat, our blood volume decreases. Less blood means it gets hot faster and isn’t able to stay at the surface of the skin long enough to cool down because it has to keep circulating. No rest for the weary!

    Athlete in the sun wiping the sweat off his face.

    Think about what takes longer to come to a boil on the stove; a cup of water or a large pot? Spoiler, it’s the cup!

    In our body, we want to avoid that boiling point for as long as we can. Like the large pot of water, not being dehydrated and drinking plenty of fluid keeps our blood volume up. Cheers to that.

    Having some extra sodium with that fluid though can be very helpful. Sodium will help our body to absorb and hold onto that water a bit better. The main goal of all of this is to increase that blood volume to keep us cool and avoid overheating.

    Ways to help chill out

    In addition to simply drinking more, there are several ways in which we can help keep our body cool.

    Keeping our beverages cold is the low hanging fruit of everything. Pack your water and electrolyte drinks in a cooler with ice packs as a simple and quick solution. Pro tip: freezing a water bottle will allow it to act as an ice pack and then when it melts you have extra fluid to drink. Helps to make the most of limited space and the cold beverages help to cool us internally from the inside out.

    In a similar manner slushies and popsicles can be a great way to help drop our core temperature. As an added benefit, making slushies out of sports drinks can help to provide some additional electrolytes as well. Who wouldn’t like a cold lemon lime Gatorade after a hot practice?

    Popsicles and fruit on ice to help cool down body temperature.

    Cooling ourselves externally is incredibly helpful as well. Grabbing some cold towels and ice packs to throw on ourselves is great. There are a few specific locations though that can impact our temperature to a great extent though and should be the areas to focus on when possible. These areas are where larger blood vessels are closer to the surface allowing closer direct contact to our blood. Those hot spots (pun intended) are our neck, armpits and groin. If needing to cool down quickly, that is where you need to focus placing ice.

    So chill out, stay safe and keep your performance up. The more of these things you can incorporate, the cooler you will be.


  • Tournament Success Is About What You Do Between Events

    When competing in a tournament, there’s no rest for the weary. Games are typically packed much closer together than normally during the season. With such limited time, it’s vital to make the most of it. Tournament success is dependent upon it.

    The name of the game is recovery. Training adaptations are not the focus right now. That work has already been done and now it’s time to show off that hard work. Being able to perform optimally and show off that hard work every game is the trick. Proper recovery and feeling fresh is what will allow this.

    Maximizing your recovery takes proper planning. How much time between each event and the resources available will dictate what recovery strategy is best. But regardless, you need to make sure to have a plan.

    “If you fail to plan, you should plan to fail”

    How much time between events is the first piece of the puzzle. Most of the time there is likely to be at least 24 hours between events. While not perfect, this does allow a good amount of time to get back to close to 100% if things are done properly. For those situations with multiple events the same day, a different plan needs to be in place.

    Tournament bracket representing the schedule to plan around.

    Knowing the schedule and how much time between events is crucial. This dictates what recovery strategies we can implement for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. The more time that we have, the more opportunity we have to eat and also to recover. On the other hand with less time, we naturally have to focus on what can provide more immediate benefits.

    Optimized recovery is key to tournament success

    After the first event ends, recovery should start immediately. Nutrition wise we want to make sure we have protein and fluid readily available. The protein can help us build muscle but right now we are more interested in how it helps repair the muscles we just beat up. Immediately after competition our muscle’s are like sponges and rapidly take up the protein provided. Simple protein shakes can be great due to their convenience to pack and ease of drinking.

    All of the sweat that was lost needs to be replaced too! Drinking plenty of fluid starting immediately after helps to rehydrate us. Even just a slight dehydration can negatively impact our performance as well as increase our risk of soft tissue injuries. To help rehydrate quicker, drinking something with some extra electrolytes (sodium in particular) is important. The extra sodium helps the body to absorb the fluid better as well as reduces urine production to help hold onto that water as well. Two birds, one stone!

    Basketball tournament providing example of when quick recovery needs to occur.

    Carbohydrates help with quick energy replacement as well. With multiple events in one day where there are just hours between, carbs can play an even more important role. That quick energy carbs provide help to refill our gas tank to be filled up and ready to perform again. Carbs are typically very easy on the stomach as well and can help to provide that much needed energy without feeling as though there’s a brick in your stomach afterwards. When grabbing some carbs though make sure to do your best at limiting fiber due to the increased time it takes to digest fiber. That could create the uncomfortable brick feeling just mentioned.

    Listen to your body

    Overall, if it’s a full day between events we can enjoy whole meals to replenish our needs. There will be optimal time to digest and absorb everything. Fruits and vegetables will be of increased importance as well to help reduce inflammation. Those typically take a bit longer to digest but with this amount of time it won’t be a problem.

    Pretzels to provide quick digesting carbohydrates and salt to speed up recovery.

    Same day quick turnarounds don’t allow us to have full meals necessarily. We have to focus more on ‘snack’ type items for quick access and digestion. Things such as sports drinks, protein shakes, granola bars, bananas and fruit snacks can be great in this moment. The closer that you can get to eating enough to fully replace the calories burned in the previous event, the better.

    You know your body better than any body though. With that knowledge making sure to eat something that you know sits well for you and that you enjoy takes a big priority. At the end of the day, tournament success is based on feeling good and performing great. And one thing that is undefeated research wise is that eating something is better than nothing! So make sure you have snacks, drinks and are prepared to make the most of the time available to you.


  • Lose Fat, Build Muscle, Have Patience

    To lose fat while preserving muscle, patience is king

    “I want to lose fat and build muscle” can be worded many ways. No matter how you want to phrase it though, that is one of the most popular topics in nutrition. Many people are trying to achieve this trade of fat to muscle and are willing to try just about anything to do so. That is a recipe for a lot of potential problems.

    It’s hard work to build muscle in the first place! And if looking to lose fat, we don’t want to lose that muscle along with it. For the body to lose weight it comes down to consuming less calories than our body burns. To keep the body going though it needs to still get energy from somewhere. Our goal is to get the body to focus on pulling from fat for that energy.

    The faster that weight is lost though, the greater the risk that muscle will be pulled from. Faster weight loss means less calories being consumed and naturally the body is looking for energy wherever it can get it to keep going. That is the formula for when muscle becomes collateral damage. While the scale may have a lower number, what’s lost to quickly get there likely isn’t worth it.

    So then how can we lose fat while building muscle?

    1) Hard work in the gym

    Again, it was a lot of work to build muscle in the first place. That doesn’t change during this time period where we are looking to lose fat. Keep lifting and stimulating that muscle growth.

    Athlete working out in gym doing a deadlift.
    Clock on the grass representing patience.

    2) Patience

    A weight loss of ~0.5 pound to 1 pound per week is a good rate. This slower rate loss allows the ability to still provide enough calories to fuel our workouts and our muscles while still losing weight.

    3) Extra protein

    Having extra protein will provide the building blocks to help the body build and maintain muscle. Aim for around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. (Ex: 180 pound person = 180g protein per day)

    Table with protein rich foods surrounding the written word 'protein'.
    A pug puppy dog laying in a bed with its head on a pillow, a blanket pulled up and sleeping with its tongue sticking out.

    4) Sleep

    Turn off Fortnite and go to bed! When we sleep our body does the most recovery and muscle building/repairing. If we don’t get enough sleep our body has an increase in stress as well. This added stress can cause a hormonal shift making it tougher to lose fat as well as to build muscle. So go to sleep! Sometimes the simplest advice is the toughest to do.

    Focusing on these keys and doing them consistently will set you up beautifully. Like in most situations, good things come to those who wait! Throwing in some sweat and hard work helps too 😉


  • “Do I Need A Pre-Workout Supplement?”

    Pre-workout supplements likely aren’t the answer and could even be dangerous!

    If you’re feeling tired and sluggish with no energy for your workouts, grabbing a supplement should NOT be your first response. Supplements in general are very poorly regulated and pre-workout supplements in particular tend to be even more risky. The risk with pre-workouts tend to come in the form of contamination of banned substances for athletes and/or additional ingredients added to them that aren’t listed. These unlisted ingredients can have some dangerous side-effects as well. There’s a reason the supplement company didn’t want to list it in the first place

    What can add to this risk is the fact that the mindset of “if one serving is good, two must be great” which can be very dangerous to one’s health due to the excessive caffeine and other stimulant consumption likely included in the supplement. And please, I beg you not to fall into the trend of dumping a scoop or pre-workout directly into your mouth which seems to be a popular trend right now unfortunately.

    If feeling like you need pick-me-up though, first ask yourself a few questions:

    • Did I eat anything beforehand?
    • Am I hydrated?
    • Have I had adequate electrolytes (ie sodium)?
    • Am I getting enough sleep?
    • Is it good quality sleep that I’m getting?

    Until you are unable to answer yes to all of these questions, a pre-workout shouldn’t even be crossing your mind. These questions may seem simple and basic but like in sports, the basics are the foundation to longterm success.

    After mastering the basics, only then would discussing supplements be considered. Safety is the top priority first and foremost. Next we want to make sure it’s worth our money! If unsure if a supplement is safe and worthwhile, feel free to message me.


  • Intermittent Fasting: Reviewing the Research

    Intermittent fasting (IF) has been a hot topic lately. It is a diet strategy in which you are to consume your total days’ worth of food in a specified window of time. Depending on who you talk to, the duration of that window and when it starts can vary. One of the more popular windows is 16 hours of fasting with 8 hours of eating, typically beginning around 10:00am and ending at 6:00pm like this recent study used. This tends to result in skipping breakfast and avoiding late night eating close to bed. The results of this new study shows some possible effects of IF and why some people may find success with it.

    Moro, T., Tinsley, G., Longo, G. et al. Time-restricted eating effects on performance, immune function, and body composition in elite cyclists: a randomized controlled trial. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 17, 65 (2020).

    Who & What

    Sixteen elite cyclists under the age of 23 were randomly split into two groups with different time windows of eating 3 meals and 1 snack:
    1. IF group: 8-hr window; 10:00am to 6:00pm
    2. Regular group: 14-hr window; 7:00am to 9:00pm
    Both groups consumed all of the calories and nutrients they needed within these time windows while continuing to train the same amount. They did this for a total of 4 weeks.

    How Did They Do?

    Weight: Despite being coached to eat enough to maintain their weight, the IF group lost weight while keeping their muscle and the regular group saw no changes. The lost weight for the IF group may be due to avoiding late night snacks and eating more in line with their body’s natural clock. What I mean by this is during the day the body is used to being awake, active and needing to produce energy which you provide it by eating. Later in the evening the body is getting ready to sleep and slow down so it’s not trying to produce a lot of energy. If eating a lot right before bed, your body will have a tougher time using all of that energy because you’re less active and this could result in weight gain over time. There is also a lot of time in between meals for the regular group which could cause them to be hungrier and unintentionally eat a little more.
    Muscle and Inflammation: Even though neither group saw any changes in muscle during the 4 weeks, there was a drop in muscle building hormones in the IF group. This decrease may be because the group wasn’t eating enough and losing weight. Building muscle requires energy and if it’s not being provided you can’t expect to build much muscle. What was more interesting is that the IF group had less inflammation than the regular group. It’s hard to read too much into this as we don’t know how much fruit & vegetables or how much sleep each group was getting but this could be worth keeping an eye on.
    Performance – The Big Test: There was no difference in performance between the groups. Short, sweet and to the point.

    Key Take Aways

    • – You don’t have to follow an IF diet if looking to improve performance
    • -Always make sure that you are timing your meals/snacks around your training to optimally fuel before, during and after to get the most of your sessions
    • – If having a snack before bed, make sure it is higher in protein as this will better help with muscle building and recovery
    • – Eat fruit & vegetables regularly to keep inflammation down and help your body recover
    • – Go to bed! Get around 7-10 hours of sleep each night
    There is not one single diet that can work for everyone and IF may work for some people but not for others. For most athletes though I advise against IF to make sure that optimal fueling before and after training occurs in order to perform and recover their best. If you are curious about what you should be eating to meet your goals, feel free to schedule a call with me and we can get you started seeing results.